Things most people should realize by now:
- The economy is bad. It has been bad. It most likely isn’t coming back anytime soon.
- Unemployment is off the charts.
- Supply chain is in deep trouble.
- Protest are growing in the country.
- Other economies throughout the world are worse off than ours.
- Printing Trillions of Dollars out of thin air is a very bad idea.
- The Virus is Real and most likely a bio-engineered weapon.
- Nobody seems to have any solution to the problem.
The entire world seems to be a boiling pot right now and the governments of the world are trying to keep the lid on. They are failing and the pot is going to blow that lid right off. The Coronavirus is of deep concern. The overreach of Government is of deep concern. People’s way of life being destroyed is of great concern. We’ve got serious problems and there doesn’t seem to be any good solutions.

Unemployment has come fast and furious. Most people are probably in a state of shock over that and it hasn’t really sank in yet.
The Fed has printed more money out of thin air than they did back in 2008 and they are wanting to do even more. They are artificially propping up the banks and the stock market. Tax revenues are way down and our debt is soaring. They are stealing our children and grandchildren’s wealth right in front of our eyes. Hyperinflation is on the way. Take a look at where those Trillions of dollars went…

The people of this country are fed up. They want their jobs back, their lives back, their stability back. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it ain’t happening anytime soon and it ain’t happening without a fight. This is going to get ugly. People who have been laid off or furloughed most likely aren’t getting their jobs back anytime soon. New jobs are going to be tougher to come by. People believed in the system. They worked hard and paid their taxes. People have lived nice comfortable lives. Now they aren’t getting any help from the government. Unemployment checks aren’t going out. Small businesses can’t get the loans they were promised. Happy, fat and content people aren’t prone to violence. Lean and Hungry people will fight to feed themselves and their families.
When the people are hungry and they see that their way of life is being ripped out from under them, they will fight. This will get worse. The most dangerous animal on the planet is a man with an empty stomach filled with righteous indignation. Civil unrest, violence, and civil war will be horrible, but that is where this is all heading.
People believe something like that can’t happen in the good ole US of A. Why? Why not? Our nation right now is a powder keg waiting to explode. The fuse has been lit for a while now. Many things have been building over the past many years. People have had enough. This virus seems to have put things into overdrive.
I don’t know the answers to solve our problems. I know what has been going on so far, definitely, is not the way to solve our problems.
If you don’t yet have enough food to prepare for 18 months of chaos, an economic collapse and food disruptions, you are behind the curve. You should be planting your own food now. Heck raise some chickens, I am. My kids are enjoying the chicks.
Make sure your guns are cleaned and in working order.
This virus may be the least of our worries if we make it to the Presidential Election without everything busting loose. They are setting up for massive fraud in this election (even worse than before). Half of the country will not accept this elections outcome no matter which way it goes. Civil War is a very real threat being intensified by the Coronavirus chaos.
Economically I believe we are ruined. The greatest depression is fast approaching. We are watching our way of life be destroyed right in front of our eyes. Most people are oblivious and think nothing bad can happen to the good ole U.S. of A. Well it’s happening and saying things will go back to normal soon is just delusional.
I don’t fear this virus. Granted I do not want to get it and take my chances with it. But the world as we knew it, is now over.
We have some Dark Days ahead to get through. May God have mercy on us.

Just want to emphasize that what you see in the Fed balance sheet chart is NOT economic stimulus for The People. It was the Fed buying, at profit, bad debt securities to prevent the hedge funds from going under due to their highly leveraged (borrowed money) debts. What would have happened had they been allowed to go down? Why the “investors” who borrowed and speculated by buying junk grade bonds and mortgage backed securities (reminiscent of 2008?) would have lost their personal fortunes by having to cover their bets. Oh, why can’t that be allowed to happen? Because of who they are. We’re talking about folks who have circulated through a stint on the Fed board and other “high profile” bankers.
Get. This. Through. Your. Head.
The big bankers printed themselves trillions of dollars overnight to keep from suffering a loss due to their bad bets and other malfeasance. While they gave themselves trillions, The People and small businesses get a small pittance comparatively and will undoubtedly be foreclosed upon by these same banks. Robosignatures anyone?
A few “good” years of a Republican in name only at the Whitehouse does NOT solve the gross underlying structural economic problems that go back to the elimination of the gold standard.
There’s a case to be made the pandemic was deliberately caused to provide cover for the pending financial collapse and bailout by the Fed.
As Matt points out, those same banks will be foreclosing on private citizens.
This guy was on the Glenn Beck show the oter day. Harry Dent, he is the author of Zero Hour
He is expecting a small recovery and then ‘after the election’ another down turn. Possibly a detrimental down turn(my words.)
A few thoughts:
“330 trillion / One Trillion per person in the U.S. ? What is the population, approx.?
Interesting comment,”30 years of a winter season?” & no spring.
So we will have a rebound, i look for praise (sickening praise in light of all the lies and contradictions) to be lavished on our leaders, i believe the word miracle will arise many times, Trump of course will be re elected (never any doubt) and then comes reality a crash like we have never witnessed.
Did america repent and change course with the election of Trump? Did we personaly change, or the Nation change? Did we humble ourselves before God? Or, did we fall for the promises? The promises of Pride and wealth? What we deserve?
Are we once again going to jump on that train ? Most likely.
‘We’ are going to build it bigger and better, Pride, Pride,Pride, we are better, we are the best, & arrogant path, once again? All of this is false without a True Turn back to God! He blesses not a Nation still knee deep in Pride, corruption, and sin!
And this thought pattern is exactly what many of us saw as wrong with Obama, and his speaking on the ‘One word tower’ rebuilding and dedication!
Consider the fall of Babylon, no one said it would be easy, yet consider, is it necessary? Does it serve our Master well? Babylon is a system based on Mutualy assured economic destruction, don’t ya think?
We can find and seek the light, it is not all dark!
i do not go along with everything Harry Dent says of the future or the answers, but he does bring some things to light.
Harry Dent: Don’t Confuse the Short-Term Virus with the Long-Term Debt and Financial Asset Bubble
79,899 views•Apr 6, 2020
I believe that the “Troubles” will start in earnest once the Moneychangers begin to foreclose on people’s Homes and Businesses, using the Trillion$ of $hekel$ “Printed” to prop up (((their))) Ponzi scheme/’stawk market’ that made the ‘eCONomy’ look good for the past Decade.
Prepare for the Inevitable Fighting -- Identify those who hold any ‘mortgage’ on your Home and/or Business. Yes, the Local ones, the ones in (j)ew york don’t matter if their Local Minions are unable to ‘Collect’. for them. Repudiate ALL Debt, for it was Incurred under a System of Fraud.
Identify the Local bureaucrats who keep the Records of who “owns” those Mortgages.
They will have to be Eliminated in order for Us to claim Alloidal Title (look that up) to the Property We Occupy.
Identify the local ‘enforcers’ and ‘oppressors’ who do the bidding of the (((moneychangers))) so that they can be Neutralized when the Time Comes.
Identify the Mechanisms of their ‘beast system’ and prepare to Destroy them, along with those who Serve and Maintain it. From the Streetcorner Cameras to the .gov ‘data centers’, the Mechanisms of Tyranny must be Eliminated.
This isn’t going to be ‘pretty’. It WILL be Violent. Remember, those who Hate Us, Oppress Us, Rob Us have No Morals or Scruples whatsoever, and will Kill Us without remorse. We must be ready to Do the Same to Them, (and their families) Coldly, Determinedly, like destroying Vermin.
I have no doubt in that at all.