Difficult Decision

The Post yesterday, What Happens, generated a conversation with a friend.
Why should we vote for Trump? That was his question.
My answer was I’m not sure that we should.
While Trump has done some good he has done some bad also.
He hasn’t been as great a friend to the 2nd Amendment as he proclaims to be.
He hasn’t built the wall. He hasn’t stopped illegal immigration. He hasn’t reduced the deficit.
I think most of us know what is coming. The question is does it happen in 461 days or does it happen in 2024?
I’d prefer sooner rather than later. Trump bought us breathing room. I think that time is about over.
It resorts back to that old saying from Thomas Paine, “I prefer peace. But if Trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”

We have a difficult decision to make. I for one am done voting for lesser of two evils.
As of right now I don’t know if I could go vote for Trump again. My friend that I was having the conversation with is definitely not voting for Trump and is actually contemplating voting for the Democrat. In hopes of bringing on what seems to be inevitable. I could never bring myself to do that but I do understand his reasoning.

As for now I’ll keep preparing.

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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

I can vote for trump. Mostly because all the right leftists are raging to the point of self exposure. Many are Republican senators and house members we would have not known them as enemies but for Trump so I’d like that to continue as long as it can . The one I can’t vote for however is Thom Tillis.

5 years ago

I will vote for the Constitution Party Presidential Nominee, as I have before. They don’t run a full slate of candidates here in East TN so I may or may not vote for other positions. My State Senator is Incredibly pro liberty and 2A so I will vote for him. Otherwise, I just keep preparing and hope it happens before I am crippled, though that would not likely stop me.

5 years ago

POTUS is not a dictator. POTUS is not a legislator.

Trump has taken an axe to piles of “Federal regulations”, which was his intent.

Trump bought us time to convince the useful idiots they are following evil, marching through the gates of Hell.

Voting for a Democrat, to bring on the inevitable, is like stepping in front of a truck on the freeway because you will die eventually. (or like the islamic nuts, bringing the world to chaos, to bring on the last imam.)

The Progressive DemonicRATs are vile, reprobate-minded animals -- I do NOT want to step in front of the Judgement Throne and try to explain delegating my unalienable rights to Satanic beasts.