Intel From Virginia

I spent the last few days in Virginia at my home away from home. Here’s my intel report from the rural mountain area of Virginia.

The local news has stopped reporting on the gun control agenda and the 2A sanctuary movement. Not a peep. The local newspapers had no mention of them either, other than a story on a Republican Councilman who was retiring after voting NO on making his area a 2A Sanctuary.

My neighbors said that the newspapers had been printing false information on town hall meetings. Said that votes were not going to be taking place when in fact they did. Seems the powers that be didn’t want the people coming to express their opinions. Neighbors also stated that buses have already been chartered for taking people to the capitol on the 20th. They are expecting thousands from their area to travel.

Ammo is being purchased as quickly as possible. The sound of Gunfire could be heard throughout the hills during the day. The people are pissed and they are ready and preparing. Who knows what will happen on the 20th. I have yet to decide on going. While I am not a full time resident there, I do have an interest there. If I get any other news from my neighbors there I will pass it along.


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5 years ago

Virtually All “Local Media” and Newspapers are OWNED by the (((bolsheviks))). ‘Ignoring’ things and publishing Disinformation is on Orders from (((Bloomberg))) and other communist leaders. Look into who ‘owns’ that ‘local’ paper; chances are good you will find a Trail to one of the 6 “Mainstream Media” Corporations that own 95% of all ‘media’ Nationwide.

neal in TX
neal in TX
5 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

You could take the radical step of calling the county govt. and ask them when the meeting is.

5 years ago

I was back in the States over the holidays visiting relatives in NOVA. I actually heard a lot more gunfire than usual happening in affluent western Fairfax County over the last month. Mostly at night, but it is distinctive.

There are a lot of patriots that live in NOVA, too. Not enough unfortunately, but that could change with population and refugee shifts.

5 years ago

It’s essential that liberty-loving people come to the 2A Lobby Day Jan 20 at the Capitol in Richmond. We’re exercising our rights to speech, assembly, and petition the government. If we sway just a few Dem legislators we can stop the onerous bills. But if we fail, and things go weird, history must show that we tried peaceful means. To my fellow Virginians and our neighbors in bordering states, we must not sit this out. See you on Jan 20 in Richmond.

5 years ago

This comment is directly to the writer(ncrenegade) and a heads up to any readers that are headed to west virginia. This information comes from guns and gadgets youtube channel. Jared at guns and gadgets has alot of information passed to him, and does alot of research concerning laws that are coming that are in violations of the second amendment in all 50 states. his latest video monday evening points out that he knows people in west virginia, that are seeing antifa,blm and ms13 congregrating in certain areas. They will be wearing patriotic clothing and have been seen in parking garages on the top levels.
I am passing this information on to anyone who is going there, i see a very possible false flag happening, either something blamed on the 2nd amendment patriots, or blending in to beat the crap out of other people. If you are going to west virginia jan,20th, travel in groups and make sure everyone in your group is vetted and vouched for!
I believe the east coast will be used to bring in the U.N. Under Kigali principles that the U.S. Signed onto. Kigali contrantract that the united stat s of america signed onto:states the U.N. Has to protect americans on us soil during times of catastrophe(aka chaos in streets,major weather catastrophe,gun confiscation!
Note:there is a huge buildup of U.N. Troops in cuba right now and the fact that the U.N. Is hiring disarmament,demobilization,reintegration officers that have to speak good fluent english, and will be stationed in New York, not some other country.
Who are they planning to REINTEGRATE? Sounds just like obamas internment/ resettlement officers he was hiring, fema camps. Remenber hillary, putting adults in what she called fun camps.
Just a heads up from another watchman/gaurdian. God bless you all!

neal in TX
neal in TX
5 years ago
Reply to  Justin

The “kigali contrantract” was signed by 180 countries and pertained to air conditioner gases. Are you a false flag spreader? Does your flag have a fringe on it?

5 years ago

Air conditioning? B.s. Look at the fact troll! Seek the truth and educate yourself!

First link is samantha powers- signing on with 28 countries.
Second link is fron U.N. Website pdf -- describes kigali principles.
The Future of Civilian Protection in Peace Operations Endorsing and Implementing the Kigali Principles May 11th 2016, UNHQ NY


Protection of Civilians (PoC) in armed conflict is at the core of the work of the UN. It is a key responsibility for members of the international community. Since the genocides in Rwanda and Srebrenica, the United Nations has taken steps to ensure that peacekeeping is made more effective. Still, challenges in a range of conflict situations remain enormous. Peacekeepers are increasingly called upon to uphold the international community’s responsibility to protect civilians from mass atrocities. The tremendous suffering by civilians in armed conflict can be seen on a daily basis on your newsfeed; it is reflected in the morbid statistics of civilian deaths in conflict situations around the globe.
In his latest report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict issued in June 2015, the Secretary- General draws the attention of the Security Council to the deliberate targeting and indiscriminate attacks on civilians that have become a recurrent feature in many conflicts, resulting in increased levels of civilian casualties, displacement, and human suffering. The report highlights the challenges faced by humanitarian organizations to meet basic needs, including access restrictions and direct attacks against humanitarian personnel, supplies and facilities. The Secretary-General noted that prevailing disrespect for international humanitarian law by some States and non-State armed groups, and pervasive impunity for violations, have become “one of the most critical challenges for the protection of civilians.”
In an unprecedented joint appeal on 31 October 2015, the Secretary-General and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemned the growing lack of respect for international humanitarian law and the decline in protection of civilians in many conflicts. Together the Secretary-General and ICRC President urged States to make every effort, individually and collectively, to achieve political solutions to conflicts, exert their influence to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law, hold perpetrators of violations accountable, grant unhindered access to and protect humanitarian and medical personnel and facilities, and respond to the needs of internally-displaced persons and refugees.
On May 28-29, 2015, Rwanda organized a High-level International Conference on the Protection of Civilians in Kigali in the run-up to the Leaders’ Summit on UN Peacekeeping. During that conference, Rwanda presented the Kigali Principles on PoC. A year later several countries have endorsed the principles. More are to follow. The Kigali Principles set out critical benchmarks for Member States to guide collective efforts in improving the capacity of peace operations to protect civilians. This event welcomes those that are ready to join the signatories of the Kigali Principles to do so in a public ceremony.
The High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) report launched in June 2015 also contains valuable recommendations to the UN and its Member States regarding PoC. A closer look at how these recommendations are being implemented is timely. This event will address the state of play of the main recommendations and the Secretary-General’s reaction to it.
There is also a need to pay special attention to the negative impact of misconduct by peacekeepers. The Report of an Independent Review of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peacekeeping Forces in the Central African Republic of December 17th 2015 illustrates the vulnerability of the actions by a few individuals that have a huge negative impact on the reliability of UN peacekeepers as a whole and additionally inflicts a huge reputational damage to the UN. The UN Security Council has taken steps to prevent and combat sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers by adopting resolution 2272 on 11 March 2016.

The High-Level Event of the UNGA on “The strengthening of the UN in international peace and security” forms the context in which this event takes place. High level participation from Member States, the UN as well as relevant think tanks and NGO’s will ensure an event that will take the commitment to PoC one step further towards implementation. On the basis of questions from the moderator, panelists will make practical recommendations to Troop Contributing Countries (TPP), the UN and other actors on the protection of civilians in armed conflict.
Objectives/desired outcomes
*  More UN Member States join the current signatories of the Kigali Principles in endorsing these principles. 
.The interactive discussion is an opportunity for Troop and Police Contributing Countries (TCC/PCCs) and other Member States to reflect on the Kigali Principles and consider how their implementation can best contribute to future efforts to uphold civilian protection mandates. It is also an opportunity to better understand the current and emerging challenges TCC/PCCs face with regard to protecting civilians. Member States are encouraged to base their interventions on the following questions relating to civilian protection and linked to the spirit of the Kigali Principles: 

o The decision to ‘open the gates’ to civilians fleeing violence in South Sudan saved thousands of lives. However, UNMISS faces considerable challenges and pressures in providing ongoing security to civilians still taking refuge inside the POC sites. What can be done to provide security in POC sites and address internal and external security issues?
o Sometimes peacekeepers have decided not to intervene to protect civilians who are under attack just outside their bases or they have retreated from areas rather than confronting approaching armed groups. This can be caused by a lack of clarity regarding the rules of engagement. How can TCC/PCCs achieve better clarity on the use of force to protect civilians (e.g. through better guidance or training)?
o How can the UN strengthen its monitoring and evaluations of troops and police in the field and prevent such protective failures?
o While civilians still bear the brunt of armed conflict there has been an alarming increase in deliberate attacks against peacekeepers. What can be done to enhance safety and security for uniformed personnel?
o Following the pledges made at the September Peacekeeping Summit, what resource and capabilities gaps still exist specifically as it relates to protection of civilians? How successful has phased mandating been in narrowing the gap between expectations and capacities?
Using the Kigali Principles as a foundation, concrete recommendations will be drafted on how Member States and the UN can improve their roles in protecting civilians.
The event will take place from 3:00PM to 5:00PM on 11 May in Conference Room 1 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Minister of State in Charge of Cooperation of the Republic of Rwanda will provide opening remarks. Dr. Simon Adams, Executive Director of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, who will serve as moderator for the dialogue, will then invite the distinguished panelists to provide opening remarks before opening the floor to delegates and other participants. Delegations are encouraged to engage in an open and interactive discussion. At the end of the interactive discussion segment there will be a ceremony for all signatories of the Kigali Principles; representatives of all missions that have endorsed the principles will be called forward for a photo opportunity. The co-Chairs will the close the event with concluding remarks.

* H.E. Mr. Bert Koenders, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands 

* H.E. Mr. Eugène-Richard Gasana, Minister of State in Charge of Cooperation/Permanent 
Representative of Rwanda Opening Remarks: 

H.E. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the General Assembly (PGA) Speakers:
* H.E. Ms. Samantha Power, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations 

* Mr. Ian Martin, Executive Director, Security Council Report 

* Lt. General Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, former Force Commander of the United Nations 
Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) Moderated by Dr. Simon Adams, Executive Director, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect Venue
Conference Room 1 at UN Headquarters.
15.00-15.15 -- Opening by co-chairs, followed by opening remarks from the PGA
15.15-16.00 -- Discussion by speakers on the basis of questions from the moderator
16.00-16.45 -- Q&A session with interventions from the public
16.45-16.55 -- Ceremony with all signatories of the Kigali Principles, including photo opportunity 16.55-17.00 -- Closing by co-chairs 

From Fox News:
UNITED NATIONS – The United States is announcing its support for a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts.
U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told a high-level U.N. meeting Wednesday focusing on the responsibility to protect civilians that the United States was “proud” and “humbled” to join 28 other countries that have pledged to abide by the 18 pledges.
U.N. peacekeepers from these 29 countries are now required to act in cases where civilians are in danger.
“The Kigali Principles are designed to make sure that civilians are not abandoned by the international community again,” she said, recalling how U.N. peacekeepers left Rwanda before the 1994 genocide and Srebrenica before the 1995 massacre.
From the AP:
“UNITED NATIONS — The United States has announced its support for a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts.
U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told a high-level U.N. meeting Wednesday focusing on the responsibility to protect civilians that the United States was “proud” and “humbled” to join 28 other countries that have pledged to abide by the 18 pledges.
U.N. peacekeepers from these 29 countries are now required to act in cases where civilians are in danger. (Editor’s Note: If you impose the New World Order and the elimination of nationalism, you are threatening your fellow citizens and are ripe for UN intervention).
These reports alsoappeared in the London Guardian, ABC, NBC and the rest of the whole cast of characters that we call the mainstream media.
From Principles to Action
The United Nations Committee on the Eliminations of Racial Discrimination has demanded that our highest-level politicians and governmental officials of the United States to condemn “racist hate speech and crimes in Charlottesville and through the country”.
Of course we have George Soros whose groups of Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been agitating racial disharmony since Trump took office. They stand poised to unleash absolute havoc on American streets. The resulting chaos will provide the excuse for the UN to go public and attempt a takeover of the United States. As previously covered multiple times on The Common Sense Show, that CALEXIT planned violence has the same potential. And it should be noted that CALEXIT plans to exit the US and become a protectorate of the United Nations. This event would drive a stake through the heart of America as California accounts for 60% of American agriculture and about 25% of all retail.