Did Paul always obey authorities? No. Did Peter always obey authorities? No. Did Jesus always obey civil authorities? No, in-fact many times he defied them.
All authority is given by God. This means those who are in power, have power delegated from God. So what about when a corrupt magistrate issues decrees AGAINST God’s Word and law? He MUST be defied. Compliance will only allow tyrants to grow in their evil. Historic acts of defiance have shaped Western civilization.
This presentation is well done. But the same approach to scripture must g be e applied across one’s entire life. Including one’s relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Tyranny everywhere is against God. Whether it’s in the government, family, or church. It’s especially evil within the hearth of evil people.
Right on ! George.
Take off the ‘face diapers’! Was sent an emergency message from Pastor Paul Begley stating Sunday or Monday our emergency alert system will be engaged with a message from Trump. Seems there will be a power outage--no TV programs, no phones, no internet. What will be shown will be military tribunals where we will be able to watch the arrests, confessions and trials of those who committed acts of treason against the United States. Let us keep that little flicker of truth alive to produce a burning down of the house of corruption in DC. The quiet professionals are coming to the rescue? Can we hope for this? We’ll see.
We should be aware of God’s commandments before we can determine whether to obey God rather than men. The time will come when laws will be created that will force people to directly violate God’s ten commandments or law, specifically the fourth commandment. We should obey God’s ten commandments, rather than men’s.
There is also the mention of always being peaceful. Jesus was no always peaceful (John 2:13-16), not tolerant (Matthew 17:17,Mark 3:5). Then there is just and unjust anger (Proverbs 3:30, Matthew 5:22). He also commanded his disciples to purchase swords (Luke 22:36).
We all are the government. We all have a duty to enforce Constitutional law, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions(Article I section 8 clause 15). We are not under any dictatorship, oligarchy, etc.. This is a Constitutional Republic and We the People have a legal duty to this country.
Then the issue of armed response to a criminal government. The government has been given the power of the sword (Romans 13:4) by God. The law of this country has delegated this responsibility to the militia (It is the whole people, except for few public officials). So under God’s law and man’s law We are the enforcers of the law.
This is left out by most all church leadership. They are like the Jewish leadership when Jesus walked the earth. They have a good gig and do not want to rock the boat. They have money coming in, teach a false doctrine, ignore the Word and fail to each acknowledge it when confronted. They play to money and their master is the same as the Jewish leadership.
We the People are fearful and fear is a sin. It is time We stop rejecting out duty and stop wasting the gift of a free government that God blessed us with. As with a nation in judgement, there will now need to be blood paid for our continual transgressions against the Almighty God. So we should all asked for forgiveness for our sins, our nations sins (you should really look in this, there are so many) and the strength and wisdom to do our duty. In the end obedience to God and working His will is all that matter.
well said.
Something else came to mind this morning, just because the Nations blessings have been removed does not mean there are no Individual blessings.
Romans 13, has been used for centuries as a snare and stumbling block against Christians
who are seeking liberty.
Genesis, Where it all began.
Origin of kings and royalty.
Origins of civil government and rule by fictional entities.
Why is human history mainly a story of poverty, ignorance, filth, passive slavery,
very little progress and inventiveness.
Control. What all kings most desire.
All kings want slaves.
All slaves want a king.
The Apostle Paul.
His times and the context of his culture.
His view of the world and Romans 13.
The Reformation. The Bible translators. 1500-1600.
Their world and times, what they saw and how it affected their writings.
The Geneva Bible, hated by the kings.
Divine right of kings.
From Rex Lex to Lex Rex.
King James I, perverted genius.
Why did he write his own bible?
His goals and motivations.
Marketing genius of his time.
Status & Citizenship
Status in the Bible.
Status in Law
Different levels of government.
Tom Jefferson and status.
America; Land without a king.
Different Sovereigns, Different Status.
Who are the authorities & powers?
Who is Caesar?
What is the “State of Wyoming.”
Who are You?
Who are the good guys?
Who are the bad guys?
Consent of the Governed.
Separation of powers
Due Process
Rule of Law
God-given rights
Trial by Jury
This lesson will give you a clear picture of your status and position as an American
and will clear up the confusion that people have about serving imaginary kings
and authorities that have changed over history, but most churches are living in the past.
Have given this talk twice to groups.
Takes 60 to 70 minutes
Tom Schmit Laramie, WY
Your right Edsil, Follow a government that’s godly, but when they defy God and his laws, our duty is to always follow God.In California here there anti-christ government and take away your DUTY to be armed, yet Luke 22:36 Jesus said to arm up, obey him !