h/t Tore
UPDATE 2: From a comment below by Daniel Reidmiller:
To all.
tt seems that since 2017 elections conducted in the state of OHIO have been conducted with multiple violations of the Congressionally Passed ACT Hft.VA 2002 and the OHIO ADMIN. CODE 1113-3-0 l{C)(lS) (2 009): EQUIPMENT APPROVAL STANDARDS: EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION has not been adhered to as set forth by the CONGRESSIONALLY passed act.
This was only discovered after the elections and most recently an operation by large corporations, labor unions, political parties and lobbyists (that we knew about- that many claimed was a “conspiracy theory”) joined efforts to deploy a psychological operation that they admitted to YESTERDAY with the article published 1n Time 1Vaga7me.
Money was funneled in from organizations. people and or foreign entities to ensure that the candidate of their choosing was SELECTED not elected and therefore USURPING our government.
Our vote is our VOICE. If consent of the governed is the most fundamental concept of a constitutional republic, its most essential right is that of citizens to choose their leaders in free, fair, and regular elections. A conspiracy, treason of the highest order was committed as they brazenly admitted to was created to ENSURE that they SELECTED our candidates in all offices across the nation.
All of you receiving this email have received CALLS and COMPLAINTS from various constituents into the irregularities (one irregularity is ONE TOO MANY). the machinery used. the notion of foreign interference and did absolutely NOTHING.
Therefore by the power and inalienable rights we hold expressed with in the Ohio Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America we are going to use the only
Jurisdiction available to us to reclaim the power we vested in you and question the AUTHORITY b y which you hold your seat. All of you are guilty of TREASON because you certified elections that were NOT VALID. You took seats that were won with illegal means and when made aware of the illegalities REMAINED in those seats KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY.
Tomorrow at 1300 EST/ 12 CST — we are holding our discussion conference to discuss. amend and coordinate the petition we will be filing in the highest court this state affords us next week.
We are inviting you to see how you forgot that YOU SERVE us and not the other way around and that your blatant disregard of our voices 1s receiving a strong response.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of your seats is being claimed by someone that is eligible and ready to take your seat and serve the people .
BY WHAT AUTHORITY have you taken your seat if our elect ons since2 /2017 have not been in accordance with the HAVA ACT2 002? You knowingly or unknowingly, but nevertheless
willingly usurped a seat of public office.
We will let the Supreme Court determine by what authority you, the respondent, claims the right and title of the public office YOU hold. YOU will be called to answer to the factual and
tangible evidence that demonstrates you do not have a right to the office you claim.
We invite you to see that NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING.
Kindest Regards on Behalf of Operation Reigns I Ohio
UPDATE 1: For whichever government agency that sent this link out on a bulk email, thank you for its wide distribution.
David DeGerolamo
I pray that China has not bought the majority of Supreme Court Justices in Ohio.
One things for sure your about to find out !theres only one solution if they have.. Tar and Feathers
WRONG!!!!! Only one penalty for High Treason and that a is dirt nap.
This will be military tribunal… not Supreme Court… and frankly they are all just as subject to prosecution as the rest of them… get ready for the show.
It should be sent to Congress & the House of Rep’s as well
to remind them who puts them in their seats.
Send it to Biden and Harris!
The first clue is that they did not take the election case.
writing is to small to read, I see no way to enlarge
Hold the CNTL key down and use your mouse wheel to enlarge the magnification.
I hold ctrl key down and hit the plus sign to make larger, minus sign to make something smaller.
I used reading glasses and a magnifying glass. Yes, way too small. I screenshot it too.
Just click it once or maybe twice, don’t remember. It popped open for me. It’s a good read.
I right clicked. View image.Made larger font.
I had to print it so I could read it
Hit control and move your up/down wheel on your mouse.
I hope all politicians that are on the take go to jail or firing squad
Being from Ohio, is there more information on this? I am very interested in any news.
I’m from ohio to what does this mean I can’t read it its to small
Now if Michigan would follow suit!
all states in question should follow suite!
This document is UNreadable. Can you please fix it? Thanks
hold the control button down and use your mouse wheel to enlarge or use control +
Absolute perfection.
Ohio is controlled by Dewine . A full blown commie dictator . Or dick-tater .
lmao, thx
Deaf Ohio PD IT Systems Admin asked to delete PD Videos, and refused to cover up for PD / City Misconducts and terminated for reporting to AG.
City Council President works for AG and Board of Elections covering up Misconducts and missing Public Records of Elections Records, Emails, Videos, Phone Logs, and Edvidence Records.
Police IT staff informed #BlueLeaksOhio to AG and no Investigation of Officers personal, Police, Taxpayers SSN leaked to hackers by Officals due to Misconducts and Corruption
Police Report Filed Dec 25 2021 -- No Investigation and cover up by AG to protect #BlueLeaksOhio
Police Report
Verify at publicRecords@columbuspolice.org
Baker Investigation #211
Technical Details at https://bit.ly/2Uag854
USA voting machine hacked live in front of an audience.
Not sure how anyone can say that “Ohio just sent this….”
Saying such implies (falsely) that some element of the government of the State of Ohio “just sent this…” or at least someone who can, with authority, speak for the entire State of Ohio.
Not sure who or what OPERATION REIGNS is or what they stand for.
I consider the title’s false implication below the standards expected and experienced over the past few years that I have been following NC Renegade.
More information about the sender of this email would go a long way to help this blog’s followers understand the relevence of the enclosed email.
It’s OPERATION REIGNS -- OHIO, not OPERATION REIGNS. Which is why its all in caps.
I trust Tore Lindeman who is the source of this article. She and Millie Weaver published the Shadowgate movie.
The title of the article is the title from Tore’s gab post. Ohio means the people of Ohio. It is not a false implication: it is a repost of information for you to consider and decide if its content is valuable to form actionable intelligence. From what I have heard separately but not confirmed, is that this action will spread to other states.
right click….open image in a new tab…..
I will honestly believe this when I actually see it. If not, it’s all talk and no action.
Is this for reals???
Yes. Look up iamtore. She is starting in Ohio and helping groups in all states to start holding the shittards accountable.
Way to get out there and better done 9. More American city’and states should follow this example. Coming to your town soon !!
To all.
tt seems that since 2017 elections conducted in the state of OHIO have been conducted with multiple violations of the Congressionally Passed ACT Hft.VA 2002 and the OHIO ADMIN. CODE
1113-3-0 l{C)(lS) (2 009): EQUIPMENT APPROVAL STANDARDS: EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION has not been adhered to as set forth by the CONGRESSIONALLY passed act
This was only discovered after the elections and most recently an operation by large corporations, labor unions, political parties and lobbyists (that we knew about- that many claimed was a
“conspiracy theory”) joined efforts to deploy a psychological operation that they admitted to YESTERDAY with the article published 1n Time 1Vaga7me.
Money was funneled in from organizations. people and or foreign entities to ensure that the candidate of their choosing was SELECTED not elected and therefore USURPING our government
Our vote is our VOICE. If consent of the governed is the most fundamental concept of a constitutional republic, its most essential right is that of citizens to choose their leaders in free, fair, and regular elections. A
conspiracy, treason of the highest order was committed as they brazenly admitted to was created to ENSURE that they SELECTED our candidates in all offices across the nation.
All of you receiving this email have received CALLS and COMPLAINTS from various constituents into the irregularities (one irregularity is ONE TOO MANY). the machinery used. the notion of
foreign interference and did absolutely NOTHING.
Therefore by the power and inalienable rights we hold expressed with in the Ohio Constitution and the Constitution of the United States of America we are going to use the only
Jurisdiction available to us to reclaim the power we vested in you and question the AUTHORITY b y which you hold your seat. All of you are guilty of TREASON because you certified elections
that were NOT VALID. You took seats that were won with illegal means and when made aware of the illegalities REMAINED in those seats KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY.
Tomorrow at 1300 EST/ 12 CST -- we are holding our discussion conference to discuss. amend and coordinate the petition we will be filing in the highest court this state affords us next week.
We are inviting you to see how you forgot that YOU SERVE us and not the other way around and that your blatant disregard of our voices 1s receiving a strong response.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of your seats is being claimed by someone that is eligible and ready to take your seat and serve the people .
BY WHAT AUTHORITY have you taken your seat if our elect ons since2 /2017 have not been in accordance with the HAVA ACT2 002? You knowingly or unknowingly, but nevertheless
willingly usurped a seat of public office.
We will let the Supreme Court determine by what authority you, the respondent, claims the right and title of the public office YOU hold. YOU will be called to answer to the factual and
tangible evidence that demonstrates you do not have a right to the office you claim.
We invite you to see that NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMIN.
Kindest Regards on Behalf of Operation Reigns I Ohio
These forking politicians make me puke 🤮.
Its about time justice is served
Yada yada yada…..blah blah blah. Won’t change a damn thing. The left has seized power….and they are NOT going to relinquish it willingly or peacefully. Want them out of power? Then get ready to kill them and haul their carcasses out of the state house and other offices FEET FIRST. Because that’s the ONLY WAY they are going to be removed from power.
I do believe you’re correct about that.
It’s clear that Rule .308 is the only thing left (aside from the King of Kings appearing). Rwanda x Bosnia x Spanish Civil War x Who is John Galt x October Revolution. Should be “fun”…
Well at least it’s more then anyone else is willing to do. Most people are only willing to criticize from behind their keyboard. I doubt Dan if you are going to be the one to offer to go in and hunt these democrats down and drag them out by their feet or am I mistaken?? At least these people are trying to take a stand through legal procedures.
Chimerica is an occupied land, do you honestly believe that the chicoms are going to give you a fair open moment in court? In their court? Many, Many people fail to grasp reality, there is no more United States of America, that is over and finished, done. Politically, economically, socially, spiritually -- cesspools one and all.
You criticize Dan for stating the truth, challenge him to take action while you sit idle at your keyboard -- crazy how that works.
As this progresses forward some people will fare better than others, able to adapt much quicker. Dan may be surfing the crest of a new paradigm.
Problem is with legal procedures is that the judges favor democrats and throw out anything that goes against that.
pretty much, people also need to realize that any fed 3 letter agency or LEO isn’t your friend.
absolutely correct about that. Been saying that for a while.
I heard the Ohio SOS I think? was ready to buy a bunch more Dominion machines even though the people are outraged, against it?? We must demand ALL Dominion machines be outlawed in this country or we are done.
Not just dominion machines, ALL voting machines. https://michaeljlindell.com/
This is headed by Tore (iamtore). It starts in Ohio but it won’t end there. This is just the start of what everyday American citizens are doing.
this should be going out to every state representative that helped with the rigging of Amereicas Election and TREASON is punishable by Death in our country’s books. The people that helped overthrow our govt. should be held to the highest penalty’s of the law., T his is insane that we the people know they rigged the elecvtion and they denied the people of an investigation after mountains of truth came up and the Supreme Court even turned on the people. We have been attacked by domestic terrorists and we cvan’t even get our OWN MILITARY to protect us. WTF happened to our ONCE GREAT FREE COUNTRY. It is dying before our eyes, by communist traitors.
Hi I just read this and while I think it is good to see that the American people are finally beginning to wake up and question the nefarious acts of our political leadership; I fear it is too little too late. The only recourse we as American citizen have at this point is to actually hold a Convention of States and kick each one of the politicians now in office out and strip them of the power, money and extended holdings. Hold criminal trials and then either escort them to the prisons they aspire to hold True American’s in or if the new system of courts deem appropriate comply with the orders of the court. I don’t advocate execution nor do I advocate violence, but reading the handwritting on the wall I fear that we as Americans march closer and closer to that line of conflict each day. How much more evidence does one need to believe that we just saw a coupe of the American political system and we the people no longer control what will or wont happen. First they take away your right to protect yourself and then they take your right of free speech. The media today is beginning to realize their mistakes as the government begins to research ways to control publications, electronic messages etc. Finally they will try to stop your ability to worship God at which time I hope all are right with the Lord as he will call his children home.
Is this for real, this is too good, idk somebody, pinch me please
I would LOVE to see this happen in PA!!
This SHOULD happen. Whether is does or not remains to be seen. It SHOULD also be happening on a National Level to all those in Congress who knowingly voted to certify the electoral college votes. This election was stolen, is a sham and all people involved have committed treason against the people of the United States of America and should be immediately removed from office, arrested, and jailed to await trial. This is the only action the American People will accept. The military, who seem to be in charge now, must swoop in and make these arrests immediately, or our country and its people will suffer a still further indignity and egregious outcome. Just Do It!!!
The Military is not in charge.
As Ohio PD IT Sys Admin, 2019 E-Traffic Reports marked “non fatal” but show “fatal” in Database. Rigged on programming on “backend” to get “funding” for State?
Same could be done for Elections
Told not document IT Cyber issues
Chinese embassy IT Spy Hub in Houston Tx and Solarwinds in Austin Texas…..
Gahanna Ohio and OSU has largest Chinese Program. Videos of Police/City Staff Meetings- Cover up by Ohio AG- Ohio IT Systems Admin Solarwinds Certified reported missing Public Records-IP Address-cyber issues
Video of meetings
Technical Details
Follow on Gab @makedeafgreat
Deaf Ohio PD IT Systems Admin asked to delete PD Videos, and refused to cover up for PD / City Misconducts and terminated for reporting to AG.
City Council President works for AG and Board of Elections covering up Misconducts and missing Public Records of Elections Records, Emails, Videos, Phone Logs, and Edvidence Records.
Police IT staff informed #BlueLeaksOhio to AG and no Investigation of Officers personal, Police, Taxpayers SSN leaked to hackers by Officals due to Misconducts and Corruption
Police Report Filed Dec 25 2021 -- No Investigation and cover up by AG to protect #BlueLeaksOhio
Police Report
Verify at publicRecords@columbuspolice.org
Baker Investigation #211
Technical Details at https://bit.ly/2Uag854
I see Dec 25 2021??? Are we waiting that long to file, or is this a typo and should read 2020?
Ohio Board of Elections Misconducts
Pay to Play IT Vendors Misconduct
Missing Public Records Issues
911 and Cyber Security Issues
Replace them and hold them accountable as traitors. Replace by legal means and then by force if necessary. All states should do this where there is any evidence.
All 50 states need to do this. They work for us. They are paid by the tax dollars they take from us and spend with no apology for how they waste our money. Louisiana is planning on signing a contract with Dominion voting. I had to send an email opposing this move to our Secretary of State because his office does not answer the phone
I really hope some public inquiries are done and we get some light and justice. However, I’m not holding my breath. When I see “news channels” covering this and the OH courts not just dismissing it when I’ll allocate what little is left in my hope bucket to it. The Q psyop has made it harder than ever to discern what is wheat and what is chaff.
So they’re going to take some members of the Ohio government to court. Didn’t Donnie & Co try that several dozen times so far? You won’t beat the state by playing by the rules they created. Aggressive violence is the modus operandi of anyand all states: aggressive violence under the cloak of legitimacy. There are only two paths forward under such conditions:
Meet aggression with aggression
Ohio needs to go bowling and simmer down.
Excellent !! Keep up the fine efforts and Good Fight!
Let’s not get distracted, Zuckerberg’s CTCL has been in Ohio since 2016 (a total of 66 counties in 2020); SoS Frank LaRose and OAEO ED endorsed and encouraged counties to apply for and receive grants…that would be privatizing public elections.
Ohio “Republicans” absolutely suck.
I hope and wish this is true. I am a naturalized citizen been here since I was 7. I am over 50 now and even though my heart aches because of a few people taking a few dollars for what they did. It still doesn’t take away anything from the other people that make this country the greatest in the world. I will pray for everyone in this organization and wish you all GODSPEED.
Is there a way for me to use this for my Michigan Legislators? I don’t want to plagiarize but I want to get the message out to the few that I believe may have been part of what the Time Magazine article mentioned, even the reach-out to Republicans. I have been calling on our Fred Upton and Peter Meijer to resign from the House of Reps for their vote to impeach.
Very Well done! Now we need the other 49 states to follow suite. SCOTUS is currupt but even they will have to at least hear the cases if there are enough voices raised. I am very interested in hearing the results of this and will be avidly watching to see if it hits the conservative sites. Thank you all for taking a firm stand!
Damn Skippy! It should be addressed to all politicians, and judiciary, Bar members, and all government employees, via publication in USA Today. Do your job, support the constitution, comply with your oath, or you will be considered to have quit your job, with loss of all pay, benefits, and retirement.
Is there any place I can get a readable copy of the Ohio Reigns memo?
Dewine’s son sits on the Supreme Court in Ohio. That should tell you everything you need to know. Dewine’s a rino!!