Pelosi Is Getting Closer to the Throne

North Korea is not the first country acknowledging the truth about Joe Biden. As momentum grows around the world stating the obvious truth, countries will start to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election. As the puppet masters arrange for the removal of Joe Biden through the 25th amendment or assassination, Nancy Pelosi understands that Kamala Harris may not be eligible to become President since her parents were not US citizens when she was born. While the intent of the 14th amendment has been misconstrued concerning actual citizenship, I am sure the speaker will clarify its meaning so that she can assume her throne.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Geez, Queen Nancey. You gotta be kidding

Mike from MS
Mike from MS
3 years ago

 Kamala Harris may not be eligible to become President since her parents were not US citizens when she was born.” BOGUS -- Stick with the facts. The constitution does not say a natural born citizen’s parents must be USA citizens, it states that the person holding the office of president must be natural born citizen OR one parent a citizen if born out of the US. K Harris was born 10/10/1964 in Oakland, CA. She is a natural born citizen of the USA regardless of her mother being born in India and her father born in Jamaica. I enjoy the articles but don’t like it when facts are made up to fit a fictional story. It sounds like the “Rules of the Left” in trying to make something up. Keep it real.

3 years ago

Anyone fluent in Korean to verify translation?

3 years ago

If Nancy wants the throne, he’d best watch out for the Queen Bitch (Hilary). I doubt she’s finished yet. Hopefully, a noose awaits at some future date. But for now …

robert william orians
robert william orians
3 years ago

Assassination will enable the coming gunpocalypse already in the works . It’s too good for them to refuse . Two birds with one stone !