Russia for the first time put all the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet to sea

Translated from Russian:

Russia for the first time brought all the submarines of its Black Sea Fleet to sea on combat missions, RIA Novosti reports.

It is noted that not a single submarine remained at the base. The agency quotes the words of the senior officer of the Black Sea Fleet submarine brigade, Captain 1st Rank Anatoly Varachkin.

“This is an unprecedented case, which is not found either in the fleets of the Russian Federation or in the fleets of foreign states,” he said.

Varachkin insists that the corresponding combat alert format is completely new for the world, specifying that all six Russian submarines are working at sea to perform different tasks.


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h/t Justice9369 on Gab

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3 years ago

The Russian Navy is still rebuilding itself from the (((soviet))) days. Are these a group of the Newer Subs, on Exercises to practice with new capabilities? Pic looks like an Attack Sub, not a “Boomer”.
Also, in regards to Submarines, is the new, Specialized Sub (don’t recall its Name) that can carry the 100-Megaton Nuclear-Powered Torpedoes out on patrol?

Finally, and more Important than Sub Deployments, has the Rus Strategic Command “Armed” the Perimitr part of their Strategic Command and Control Network? This is the “Dead Hand” part of the Communications System that can Release all the Launch Codes, automatically, if the Command Centers are Nuked Out of Action and the Airborne Command Post does not respond. If they have taken these steps, and put up the “Looking Glass” Aircraft, I would suspect that they are concerned that China Joe Xiden’s Handlers may try an Attack on Russia to ‘divert attention’ form their scamming shit.
It will Work, too.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

These 6 submarines are improved Kilo class attack submarines dubbed ‘Black hole’ for their ability to escape detection. It appears if Hal Turner reports are accurate that NATO/USA are provoking Russia into a World war.

3 years ago
Reply to  McTavish

A couple of Years ago, I recall reading about a Speech that President Putin gave to the Russian Legislature, where he said, “Nobody will ever Invade Russia again”. If you look into the Defense Policy of the Russian Federation (the unclassified version) their Military will Use Nukes, First, if there is ANY over-the-border ‘Invasion’.
The key difference from the U.S. Army, is the Border Defense Divisions have Nuke Artillery, and are Tasked with Using it WITHOUT having to “Call Moscow”. Release of these Weapons is at Division Level. After That, the stated Policy is to use the Strategic Weapons to Crush any Nation that has (tried) to Invade. Poland was Warned, Explicitly and Publicly, about this Policy, in regards to its allowing more U.S. Troops in there.

Richard Gary Mooney
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Do not concern yourselves with these armchair pundits comments. I have it from the highest authority, Europe will not be destroyed, because the biblical prophecies given by God, says Europe is where Antichrist arises. However, America, is another story. Read Rev. 18 and Jeremiah 50 and 51, which describes US as Mystery Babylon, which in one hour will fall! Read Tim Hyde’s book on this subject written using thousands of hours of reserching ancient manuscripts, which proves US is Mystery Babylon. As for myself, I by-pass all the Babel from the current crop of wise men saying America will be great again. NOT! God says in his word, he will take the wise [down] in their own describe As [foolishness].
As for me, I read God’s word, trusting in the Holy Spirit of Wisdom and Truth to reveal God’s new word’s meaning! Most importantly, I trust and follow Jesus Christ as my ONLY HOPE in the coming catastrophe about to take America down. The current climate of ‘hopism’ sought in all the wrong places, is misplaced! The only hope rest in Jesus Christ. Read Psalm 91, both for its warnings of pestilence, famine, and war now upon this nation, and for its promises of protection to God’s TRUE sons and daughters. Warning to most Christians and pastors of this nation, If The rapture was tomorrow, most of you would still be here the next day! Jesus is coming for a Pure and Spotless Bride, not an apathetic, complacent, compromising to the world, lip service to God only, deceived, and lost foolish virgins!

3 years ago

“Do not concern yourselves with these armchair pundits comments.”
Like Yours? When I was in Grade School in the 60’s there were ‘preachers’ on the AM Radio spewing the same Nonsense about “Gog, Magog, and the Armageddon”. Schofield Buy-Bull disciples all, and running 501c3 ‘churches’, None of them Dared to mention that communism was judaism. None of their Nonsensical Predictions came true, as will None of Yours.

Lori G
Lori G
3 years ago

Perhaps they are a welcoming committee for the USS Monterey, the Eisenhower carrier battle group, and the rest of the NATO ships entering the Black sea for a routine excercise at the same time the Ukrainians and the Russians are pounding the snot out of each other in Luhansk and Donetsk.
We are starting a war with Russia at the same time we send people with purple hair to diplomatic discussions with China. We are done.

Robert Roselli
3 years ago
Reply to  Lori G


3 years ago
Reply to  Lori G

I don’t think “done” even begins to cover how f*cked we are…

3 years ago
Reply to  Lori G

When All Else Fails; Take the Country to War.!!!
“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” Gen W. Clark
Obama Pulled off the 2014 Ukraine Coup to Attack the Russian Economy after Russia figured out what was going on & Stood Against the Plan after Libya Destroyed & Gaddafi Assassinated in 2011.
Putin Threatened Nuclear War.
Every President is Following the Same Plan Since the ‘Skull N Bones’ Bush’s ‘New Pearl Harbor’ 911 Staged Event -- America’s Reichstag Fire.
Trump was Working Hard on Syria & Iran -- Now Backed by Russia & China.
Joke Biden & Team Will Follow the Same Plan.
13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14 These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. 
15“Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who remains awake and clothed, so that he will not go naked and let his shame be exposed.”… Rev 16:13-15


[…] Russia for the first time put all the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet to sea -- […]

3 years ago

Is this a prelude to war ? and with who ? I don’t like the looks of this at all.

Dave of Oregon
3 years ago

well when little Joe calls the president of Russia a killer, or murderer whatever, President Putin may just call his accusation and anti-up the cards, a fleet of modern SUBS. What an idiot we have in our stolen White House. Well whatever we have come at us, we may just have a few days.
I recommend if your not prepped up, do what you can ASAP. Bullets??? Hmmm they are all gone, guns, Hmmm they are all gone. Beans, maybe you can find them yet, but not many. TP That left months ago, and still isn’t replenished in the stores. OH! I just about forgot BANDAIDS, If you didn’t find any bullets, You’re sure going to need those bandaids. Hmmm. can’t find those either? Well sorry about that, guess your gonna bleed out. That’s what folks get for having blinders on and thinking that smell on each side of them is roses, It’s snot, It’s piles of corpses.

3 years ago

The first time in history they have all been operational at the same time.