Special forces veteran and Police Officer Greg Anderson FIRED for Telling Other Officers to Do What Is Right and Follow the Constitution

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Liberally Disgusted
Liberally Disgusted
4 years ago

I am so sorry this happened to you. We need more people in law enforcement to stand by the Constitution. “Following orders” is not a good reason to violate people’s rights. There are many police forces and sheriff’s departments across the country that will welcome you. Praying you find one of them soon. (Going away on a sailboat sounds nice, but our country needs people like you!)

4 years ago

Here is the website showing Chief of Police Rod Covey, who fired officer Greg Anderson


Here is the contact form you can use to tell Chief of Police Rod Covey that he is a traitor to the U.S. Constitution


Give him hell, which is exactly what this traitor deserves

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men and women to stand by and do nothing.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

Of course they fired him ! Cops are to carry out the orders not think about right or wrong.. If a cop doesnt obey, his master takes the uniforms from him and puts them on flunkies who will obey!

4 years ago

You’re a thought criminal. And I have total respect for you sir. Don’t cave to these bureaucrat bastards.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  grayjohn

Your photo is awesome


[…] The State likes to claim its power derived from the people, which it truly does. There is an expression from the Declaration of Independence saying deriving its powers from “the consent of the governed”. There is a little problem here. *** important *** If one consents, then they are not being governed. If they are being governed then they did not consent. There is NO such a thing as “consent of the governed”. Also, people can not give to others that which they don’t possess. It is impossible to bestow upon others rights that you do not have. Consequently, bestowing upon someone else super powers, such as the ability to “arrest” and claim you don’t have the same is not only impossible, but insane. Same thing with the likes of taxes, especially when it is backed by the idea that the “enforcers” will take your property if you don’t pay what they demand. When stripped of the illusion, the superstitious belief in “authority”, it is obvious that these entities are no different than the common street thug or bully that would likewise deprive you. You have every God given right to defend yourself and likewise to form groups and governance to uphold and assert these rights. The “po-lease off ee sir” has no true authority, only that which you believe in via the illusion. (note that the Greg Anderson of Port of Seattle who got fired for telling other cops that what they were doing is w…). […]