We Have to Face the Fact that There Will Never Be Fair Elections Again

The Red Mirage of Trump's Election Night Victory ...

Consider this information from Time magazine:

They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.

Time’s admission that the election was fraudulent was also confirmed in DNI Ratcliffe’s report:

DNI Ratcliffe writes, “from my unique vantage point as the individual who consumes all of the U.S. government’s most sensitive intelligence on the People’s Republic of China, I do not believe the majority view expressed by Intelligence Community (IC) analysts fully and accurately reflects the scope of the Chinese government’s efforts to influence the 2020 federal elections.”.

I am not trying to make an argument on whether the election was stolen: that is a fact. What I want you to consider are the consequences of supporting the coup. Anyone in this government or military who is accepting this overthrow is guilty of treason or is a collaborator. They know it.

Christless Christianity | Sara's Musings

Too many people think we can vote our way out of this. IF a fair election was held in the future, these traitors would be tried and executed. That is why we will never have fair elections again. I also know that this 2020 election was not the first one that was stolen. We are now Venezuela and our options are as clear as the traitors’ options who overthrew the Republic. Anyone whom the government declares to be a domestic violent extremist is someone who is willing to fight and die against this evil.

David DeGerolamo

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John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

Sadly, more was lost then the election, our grandkids future, America, everything was lost.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Toothman

Our future was given away a long before now. We are just witnessing the consequences of over 150 years of Americans throwing away America piece by piece. America had been lost a very long time ago. There is just an illusion of freedom that was allowed to linger until fear had sat in long enough that people would allow the final nail to be driven in the coffin.
If we really want liberty we will have to stand up and take it. No one man can or will do it. No defeatist attitude will accomplish it. It is time to look at it in the light of reality and understand fully what must be done. Then as men that God created us to be, stand up and take it back. There are enough people who believe to do it. They just need to grow a pair and stand up. Those in power have no power that we do not give them. Our consent (silence is consent) is what is allowing them to do what they do.
Go out into your community and build it. Create a group(s) that will support each other (like they use to, I can vaguely remember that time). Ignore the usurpers and those that support them. The time now is to build the infrastructure for what will eventually come.
Let here no more woe is me, we are doomed talk. It does nothing but create FUD.

4 years ago

I’ve been reading a book called Stealth War (2019) by Gen. Robert Spalding (ret.) that shows how China is behind all of this mess we find ourselves in. It is a highly illuminating book that had I have read it two years ago, I probably would have dismissed most of it. Now, I find it to be uncannily prophetic. Spalding’s intelligence and understanding of the topic is first hand and not conspiracy theory. You can read the book through your library system or download the audio book. It is worth the time.
I agree that there will be no fair elections in the future as I have said in previous posts.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

China is but another distraction from the actual Bolshevik takeover that has been ongoing for over 100 years. They took down the Czar, Germany, post war Europe and now it’s our turn. Joseph McCarthy warned us 70 yrs ago who was running the show and was censured into silence by the same media punishing DJT today.
Wake up and turn off your TV. They control all our media.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Obviously there’s a huge helping of Stockholm Syndrome going on too.

Tim Bennett
Tim Bennett
4 years ago

What makes you believe that we’ve had fair elections in your lifetime? Just because you’ve woken up to the most blatant election theft doesn’t mean you’ve never been robbed before. Do you remember Diebold voting machines? They were being rigged too as Bev Harris of Black Box Voting prove over a decade ago. Before that, party machines were still doing all the old fashioned tricks of the trade.
Grow up and admit that Trump only exposed the rot that’s been here all along. The Constitutional Republic you thought you lived in has been dead and buried for a long time and you were living a lie.

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
4 years ago

linked from Bracken

shorter than Mike’s, concise info

Jackie Y.
Jackie Y.
4 years ago

Agreed. What a scary concept. Time to lock and load and prepare. This ain’t over.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jackie Y.

Remember donny told everyone to go home and be peaceful. Lotta good that is doing mister commander. PEACEFUL PROTEST, CARRYING SIGNS DOES NOT WORK SIR.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
4 years ago

This is what I’ve been trying to communicate to people…

There will NEVER EVER EVER be another fair election. The swamp will install their chosen candidate. What you do doesn’t fcking matter.
Vote harder???
Grok that, then come talk to me. Otherwise you’re a slave talking about his master, you are no free man.

4 years ago

So what is a man to do? Everyone talks a good game, but no one is willing to say what needs to be said, which is, “Gather your rifles patriots our time has come”. We need to scare the DemonRats so bad they don’t know whether to “S”it or go blind.
If everyone knows the election was stolen, why is our military not getting involved to strip the DemonRats of the presidency and install Trump who was the actual winner in the election. Any DemonRat who complains has put a target on their back for prosecution for the very sasme tactics they are tyring to use against us.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

It’s not a matter of scaring them, it;s a matter of eradicating the cancer from the bone. Conservatives don’t have it in them.

Charles Denova
Charles Denova
4 years ago

I stopped “voting” decades ago. I knew then it was pointless.

4 years ago

When we conservatives do not believe the statements of the power hungry we lose BIG TIME. Realize that power hungry people never stop ever. Their greed is such that all else is blinded. You have all heard the expression ‘All fair in love and war’ as well as ‘By any means possible’ now you know the greedy power hungry game plan. If you do not act to protect yourself through awareness and equanimity you lose, it is that simple. The depopulation plans are in full force racing toward owning everything you own. History repeating itself over and over again and so many think this is new and never happened before, what fools.

karl pomeroy
4 years ago
Reply to  David

Their greed for power is boundless, because no amount of power will make them immortal.

4 years ago

Future? The torahcalendar shows the 6001st year coming up.

4 years ago

there will never be elections again…
from here on IT IS WAR

karl pomeroy
4 years ago

The rarely spoke fact is that our country has just gone through a coup. Had the same thing happened in South America, no one would hesitate to call it a coup. This reality is hard to believe, and people are still adjusting. But no state of affairs is final. All it takes is a trigger event to spark a counter-coup.

4 years ago

Let me correct something, the entity is being referred to as a government which it is not and does not qualify as one. I highly recommend that one search on-line for a document called “The Law of Nations” and read it. Then one will understand that the referenced entity does not qualify.

4 years ago

Sans all turning to Jesus, we can NEVER recover. Too many complicits outnumber the small handful not given over to satan…The USA is not in Biblical End Times Prophecy. We will soon turn on Israel. We have allowed and now promoted the sacrifice of babies by abortion and the destruction of humans through “transgenderism”, around the world! Secular Democrats are pushing to eradicate Christianity (and thereby criminalizing the worship of Jesus)…Those are the nails in the coffin of the USA…Satan, himself, is behind their evil schemes.

4 years ago

Yes, of course they are committing treason. But this nation has been so dumbed down and the lines between good and evil so blurred they don’t even know they are committing TREASON when they decide to obey the treasonous party.
Frigg’n UNREAL! The blind leading the blind and BOTH will fall into the ditch taking the whole wagon with them .