What’s Coming is Worse

Well we have had a few days now to chew on the impeachment fiasco.

I watched Meet the Press yesterday for as long as I could stomach it. It is amazing how hard it is for those in the media to hide their joy over their accomplishment of “Impeaching” the President.

I want everyone reading this to understand one thing. This is not about President Trump. This is about us. This is about the 63 million or so people that voted for him. They hate us. They hate that we didn’t listen to them and vote how they told us to. They hate everything we stand for. They hate our guns. They hate our religion. They hate our values. They hate that we won’t let them rule us. They hate that we value freedom. They HATE.

The Deep State/Communist/Democrats/Media are in total shock that they have “Impeached” the President and we could seem to care less. It was just another day in this ongoing coup. And We the People just shrugged and said so what. They’ve been telling us now for 3 years that they were going to do this, and they did. Hurray for you. But now they have to live with it. Actions have consequences. You ever done something, even though many people advised you against it, but you just had to do it. After you do it you get that little sick feeling in your stomach like, uh oh what did I do? It’s called learning the hard way. These fools are about to learn the hard way. If they remove Trump and nullify our vote, proving that voting is useless, well it’ll be simply time to shoot the bastards.

I don’t care if you like Trump or not. I’m not that big a fan of him myself. Hell he just signed another spending bill that includes funding Sanctuary Cities among other crap. Yeah the military gets a raise, but they continue to rape us and raise our debt. What these people have done by pulling this stunt in their coup attempt, has insured that Trump will now win by a landslide. Many people who were sitting on the fence, will now go vote for Trump come hell or high water. What happens then? The meltdowns of 2016 are going to pale in comparison. They haven’t accepted our vote from 2016, they sure as hell aren’t going to accept it in 2020.

We face many problems. Criminals are walking free for things you and I would’ve been hanged for. This utter destruction of our Rule of Law is a serious issue. Seems nobody is going to care until it’s too late.

Virginia is a powder keg waiting to explode. Bloomberg has told his cronies to make his gun grabbing stand there, and it’s not going well for him so far. Now they have delivered the ultimatum in Virginia, oh you will obey our laws or else. I can tell you this, threats aren’t taken to kindly in the rural parts of Virginia.

We are being attacked folks. Plain and simple. There are those who are still of the opinion that we can vote our way out of this mess. Keep living that dream if you like. I can assure you, those of us who have studied history know what comes next.

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5 years ago

We patriots are only waiting to be told where and when to aim, and what time the meeting starts.

Dan Adams
Dan Adams
5 years ago
Reply to  Forearmed

Agreed,once they start it,hell will be unleashed on these traitors

Citizen Kaine
Citizen Kaine
5 years ago
Reply to  Dan Adams

How about a million plus Patriots storming the capital during the State of the Union Day and physically drag out the traitors in congress from their offices and make a publically broadcasted citizens’ arrest. It looks like our current justice system isn’t doing anything. The issue needs to be forced and it’s We the People who will need to get the job done.

Frank Smith
Frank Smith
5 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Kaine

No, let them come to us. Encrypted radios! Encrypted radios! Get ’em while they’re hot!

Rob Davenport
Rob Davenport
5 years ago
Reply to  Frank Smith

what type and from where ?

Timothy E. Tucker
Timothy E. Tucker
5 years ago
Reply to  Rob Davenport

My thought on this question, just an off the cuff idea, is to use marine vhf radios with built in voice scrambler. I am very familiar with operating these radios and they provide line of sight reception out to about 30 miles on a sailboat, less on shore. Here is a link to a walkie talkie version but are also available in powerful base units. Someone with a better idea or cons on this idea please pipe in. Yes, I know about Ham but the State can move to disconnect repeaters as in California and I haven’t heard of voice scrambled CB units.TET.


5 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Kaine

First you need a million patriots.
I posted that years ago that Independent Media is too independent they are all like an open hand instead of a fist.
You see MSM spout off the same shit, ABC, NBC CNN MSNBC, etc all saying the same shit using the same words over and over.

If Independent Media would form a coalition and broadcast to the viewers when to boycott a site like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc, for stifling Conservative views.
Boycott them for a day, a week, a month, and watch would see their points drop drastically losing billions.

For the march to the House that would require planning.
It was done by the African Americans , the “Million Man March”
Independent Media can be a powerful tool in helping with the planning and information and reporting to the Patriots the who, when, where, what, why and how thing are taking place.

Sadly everyone is waiting on the next guy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Kaine

I have also thought that it would come down to that.

Joseph Whitfield
Joseph Whitfield
5 years ago

The only peaceful option is separation. Patriots and the ‘useful idiots’ on the other side might be able to agree on that, maybe. Of course, that is the last thing the Deep State wants. We (our side) simply can not live beside these fools anymore. They have made that impossible unless we give up and roll over. Slavery to the Left is worse than death with honor, IMO, but we could still avoid needless violence by using the Biblical example of Abraham and Lot. We must separate.

5 years ago

The peace would only be temporary. Eventually Ammon and Moab, Lot’s sons, became a major pain in the ass. In the end, we will all reap what we’ve sown. Let’s not kid ourselves along the way, as in kicking the can down the road.

Steve Garrett
Steve Garrett
5 years ago

Whats holding Christians in check is the incorrect theological teaching that God commands all Christians to live together as brothers. This false teaching of multiculturalism will be the ignorant Christians undoing in the end. Why not let God have His say on the errors and dangers of multiculturalism?
Book: The living sin of the Multicultural Christian

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve Garrett

Christ’s instruction to “love one another as I have loved you” applied only to his followers.

Today those who think they are Christian are astonishingly clueless. For example, how many know that Halal food has been offered to a false god? Early Christians were put to death for refusing to eat such. Today they don’t even know the difference.

Diversity and multiculturalism are in place to destroy our Christian heritage and culture. It is NOT a two-way street.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago
Reply to  EMPD

Amei to you sir!

5 years ago


5 years ago
Reply to  wayne

Interesting concept. What are the mechanisms needed to implement this process?


[…] Wes Rhinier NCRenegade.com December 23, […]

5 years ago

Just keep getting all your preps together. Prepare for a war.
We will all know soon enough when it has begun.

Forrest Mosby
Forrest Mosby
5 years ago
Reply to  Patricat

👍Rucks By The Door🙆‍♂️

Forrest Mosby
Forrest Mosby
5 years ago

Only Certified Morons want what the dim/libs are asking for.A ‘Civil’War wont be civil…not for anyone…

Timothy E. Tucker
Timothy E. Tucker
5 years ago

My conclusion is that this whole attack on the 2nd amendment in VA is all about creating a diversion for patriots and for DJT. My strategy is to keep head on a swivel, attend to preps, and tell the political fund raisers that constantly call me “NO more DONATIONS until I see the treasonous lawbreakers PROSECUTED, PASS IT UP THE LADDER”. Folks the political class is using this to rake in the dough, spreading lies to incite fear. Bet on it. TET.

5 years ago

I think that’s why they’re coming in the back door of Virginia ‘startin’ there . . .

5 years ago

Prescient comments. Yes, it gets worse- any slightly well-read Christian should see that as an inarguable fact. We are here, by God’s sovereignty, for this time for a reason, not by accident. It will be awesome to see how it plays out- God is in control. He has chosen this time and we are not the first country this has happened to. We ought to recognize things from His mind as much as we are able, not so much in the US-centric sense we fall into so often and readily. But it is now happening HERE. Though I pray “come Lord Jesus”, I understand there may be a bigger thing at plan for us…

5 years ago
Reply to  slinger

You are right . We ought to read the letter He wrote to us (His Word). Most of it contains ensamples of the religious establishment being worse than wrong.

Such a gift, His Word walked among us. Shall we honor His return or only His birth?

Timothy E. Tucker
Timothy E. Tucker
5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

“Such a gift, His Word walked among us. Shall we honor His return or only His birth?”

Honor them both, but don’t forget his sacrifice and death, brother. Without those we would all be SOL! TET.

Mark Marvin
Mark Marvin
5 years ago

Suppose the Dumbocrats really want Trump to win???

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Marvin

I’ve thought about that too. Hegelian Dialectic. They WANT confusion, division, chaos & violence! What a better way to bring it about!

Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody
5 years ago
Reply to  Lindy

Agree. I don’t understand why the Dems would want him gone. He signs spending bills that gives them just about every thing they want. A year ago he tells us “I will never sign a bad spending bill again!” Big lie. Of course the Dems and MIC get all the money and toys they could ever want. We and our grand children get money printing and inflation and a lower standard of living. Meanwhile, no wall, so many immigrants that red states are turning blue and only criminals in jail are Trump supporters. If this is winning, I don’t want to see losing.

Ray Jones
Ray Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Marvin

trump is the most popular false choice ever given to the american voter…..he has also done more good stuff than everyone since nixon combined ….but i still dont trust him just look a the high profile criminals that are walking the streets with out fear of being caught and imprissoned

5 years ago
Reply to  Ray Jones

Never underestimate what God has in store for the coming days….”we ain’t seen nothin’ yet”. Remember, His ways are not our ways, nor are our ways are His ways! We just have to be patient and listen for His voice to lead us.

5 years ago

To defang the snake, or to cut its head? Bad people can be killed.(snake has no teeth). Temporary solution. The snake will grow new set of teeth, even biger. Can you kill the snake? Can you kill a demon?Jesus has a job to do. but we can certainly defang the snake until His coming.

5 years ago

LOOK AT KATRINA,the police gangs AND the military were raping and murdering the citizens,THIS TIME THEY’LL BE BOMBING YOUR CITIES,and blame it on others,BUT THE LORD warned you”AMERICA YOU DON’T HAVE A MILITARY..SATAN DOES”,you all saw what they did to the people in KATRINA,they plan to do it to all of america this time,BLIND STUPID WON’T SAVE YOU..ALL these FOREIGN MILITARY are NOT here to give you a kiss on the cheek and wish you happy birthday,THEY WERE PROMISED EVERYTHING YOU OWN,by americas DADDY “OBAMA”,GET ready to ambush these traitors,OR GET READY TO DIE,they plan to kill you all…

La Gringa
La Gringa
5 years ago

Once upon a time, two “gringos” returned to their homeland after almost two decades away in order to help save and restore their beloved country. Those two young people fell in love with the Tea Party and gave it all they had up until the time they realized the republican party dressed up as Tea Party folks were really in control and that their (the gringos) help was neither wanted nor was it tolerated. Those two young folks withdrew and are yet working, but not with the mainstream parties. Agree with those who remind us that we are not here by accident but by HOLY DESIGN. Praying diligently, oftentimes through the night and awaiting GOD’S sign to rise. In HIS NAME and for HIS GLORY we will. Thank each of you for your service, your valor, your love for GOD and this Country.

John Killen
John Killen
5 years ago

God forbid IF it starts…………………………………THEN COMPLETELY FINISH IT!

5 years ago

Deep State FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer has proven she is an “enemy of the state”. The “state” in this case is “We The People”, to which our Constitution recognizes as the true governing body over all others. Justice Roberts’ than moves via a veil of illness to replace Collyer with an Obama appointed judge, A real slap in the face to “We The People”.

This just proves Supreme Court Justice Roberts knew of this obvious bias within the FISA Courts for two years or more but failed to intervene over that same period with the Democratic Left’s political assassination of President Trump. This proving without a doubt that Justice Roberts & our Supreme Court as a whole are also a Deep State actors. Remember all FISA Judges were placed by Supreme Court Justice Roberts himself, no one else. In my opinion Justice Roberts in being complicit by his silence over the last two years should step down immediately. Just Roberts has proven a bias himself which more than sullies our Supreme Court’s reputation.

Every judge on our Supreme Court has known of this biased behavior for a minimum of two years of not three years and sat silent as a whole. They had a “judicial responsibility” to step in when they did not. That make every “Supreme Court Judicial” also an “enemy of the state”, the state being “We The People”. The United States governing body is “We The People”, not the U.S. Government nor our elected representatives. In fact our U.S. Government & elected representatives have “failed through legislation and actually undermined the protections with in our Constitution & our Bill of Rights of self governance by “We The People”.

The Constitution is clear.

Congress & the Supreme Court work for the Citizens of the United States, not Illegals nor Muslims who are not loyal to the United States. Congress & the Supreme Court are in violation of the U.S. Constitution. It is time for a U.S. Military Reset.

It is time to remove “Congress, the Supreme Court, all Former Living Presidents & current Political Party Politicians, the Federal Reserve Banking Families” for Acts of Sedition, Treason, High Crimes, & Misdemeanors then re-empower “The People” to our Forefathers vision.

The U.S. cannot survive a corrupt Congress, Judicial System & Political System that has grown polluted by greed & waste through bribery. It is time for a 100% U.S. Military Reset of no less than a 20 Year Purge to cleanse to old blood out & reset out Judicial & Political System.

The issue is no one in Congress or our Government wants to pay down our National Debt.

We can no longer trust either side of the aisle in Congress.

Worse yet these corrupt Elected Representatives are protected by a corrupt Judiciary. I state this including all the current Supreme Court Justices, bar none.

They refuse to protect our borders.

They defy our laws as they please.

They refuse to protect the Republic of the United States of America & our Natural Rights as Constitutionally guaranteed for our Grandchildren’s grandchildren.

To those who either never heard of, or are naive to what the NWO Globalists within our Government have been working toward on both sides of the aisle in Congress please educate yourselves by reading the attached Cloward-Piven Strategy that follows.

The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a socialist system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.

Now on top of everything else the Democrats are adding an Impeachment process that’s riddled with so many lies & un-constitutional behaviors & actions on their part that it can only be understood or described as an “act of war” by the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives against a sitting President duly elected by “We The People” of the Republic of the United States of America.state as “We The People”, the U.S. Citizens, allow all elected representatives & government employees to serve at our request. None other period.

All FISA Judges were placed by Supreme Court Justice Roberts.
How long has the Supreme Court Justices known and sat silent. They had a “judicial responsibility” to step in when they did not. That make every “Supreme Court Judicial” also an “enemy of the state”, the state again being “We The People” -- not the U.S. Government nor our elected representatives when “they fail to protect our rights of self governance”.

The Constitution is clear.

Congress & the Supreme Court work for the Citizens of the United States, not Illegals nor Muslims who are not loyal to the United States. Congress & the Supreme Court are in violation of the U.S. Constitution. It is time for a U.S. Military Reset.

It is time to remove “Congress, the Supreme Court, all Former Living Presidents & current Political Party Politicians, the Federal Reserve Banking Families” for Acts of Sedition, Treason, High Crimes, & Misdemeanors then re-empower “The People” to our Forefathers vision.

The U.S. cannot survive a corrupt Congress, Judicial System & Political System that has grown polluted by greed & waste through bribery. It is time for a 100% U.S. Military Reset of no less than a 20 Year Purge to cleanse to old blood out & reset out Judicial & Political System.

The issue is no one in Congress or our Government wants to pay down our National Debt.

We can no longer trust either side of the aisle in Congress.

Worse yet these corrupt Elected Representatives are protected by a corrupt Judiciary. I state this including all the current Supreme Court Justices, bar none.

They refuse to protect our borders.

They defy our laws as they please.

They refuse to protect the Republic of the United States of America & our Natural Rights as Constitutionally guaranteed for our Grandchildren’s grandchildren.

To those who either never heard of, or are naive to what the NWO Globalists within our Government have been working toward on both sides of the aisle in Congress please educate yourselves by reading the attached Cloward-Piven Strategy that follows.

The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a socialist system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.

Now on top of everything else the Democrats are adding an Impeachment process that’s riddled with so many lies & un-constitutional behaviors & actions on their part that it can only be understood or described as an “act of war” by the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives against a sitting President duly elected by “We The People” of the Republic of the United States of America.

5 years ago

The 2 Most Dangerous Groups in America: White Liberal Commie Traitors & Cotton Candy Christians who Love Everyone(Think LGBTQFUKU) believe praying will make them successful millionaires(Think Welfare Recipients) and Accept Everyone(Think No Difference between Demons & “Christians”). Pray to Jesus for Peace & Prepare to KILL ALL DEMONS!

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

Virginia is not the only place this has happened. i contend “they” are nudging you, and many of you (judging by the comments) are allowing yourselves to be nudged. Nudged into fear and violence. Or being nudged into being pawns in a false flag event.
Heard this yesterday, made a few notes, so at least listen and consider these things.
Guy Relford (The Gun Guy)
To the right of the page see podcast: 12/21/19
Listen to what he says about Virginia,
85 out of 95 counties have passed 2nd. amendment sanctuary resolutions not to follow the governor and the leftist laws.
Laws on the books yet they are not enforced is not that uncommon.
What can the state do about it,and is this the only place (Virginia) that this scenero has occurred?
This is not unique.
Colorado was a red state, when it turned blue the Liberals and Dems passed a bunch of unconstitutional Gun control laws, 38 out of 64 counties responded by declaring themselves second amendment sanctuaries.
Also see:
Illinois 67 out of 102
New Mexico
New York
etc. etc. etc.
i would suggest watching the enemy, wait until they send in the national guard. i see this as a bluff.
Have any of you played poker?

5 years ago

Politicians come. Politicians go.

Don’t leave out the Bureaucracy. It is the Bureaucracy that is out of control. It is the Bureaucracy that has established itself as the “Deep State”. Politicians come and politicians go, but the Bureaucracy remains.