Who is putting Americans at risk? Who is violating our 4th amendment rights? Was Gen. Petraeus in contact with terrorists when they used Prism to blackmail him?
Domestic enemies.
David DeGerolamo
Who is putting Americans at risk? Who is violating our 4th amendment rights? Was Gen. Petraeus in contact with terrorists when they used Prism to blackmail him?
Domestic enemies.
David DeGerolamo
Traitor to whom?
As I said before this may be just another Obama dodge.
“It is curious that Snowden would give his information and documents to The Guardian. Why not a U.S. newspaper, and why wasn’t Snowden worried that “the world’s leading liberal voice” might squelch a story that reflects so badly on President Obama? It is also curious that the Washington Post would be so quick to publish the ISP part of the story, and that the New York Times would be so quick to condemn the administration. Since Bill Clinton’s ascendency, those two leading papers have been lapdogs rather than watchdogs concerning possible moral and legal transgressions by Democrats. A compilation of their investigative scoops and editorial condemnations of such matters would be a thin book indeed. It generally runs the other way; they often serve as Democratic mouthpieces and spinmeisters.”
Snowden is but a piñata, hung out to draw the blows of the MSM and other vocal parties, as critical tasks are completed under the radar by the looters-in-charge. This is similar to the recent PSYOP declaration by the liberal rag New York Times, which last week declared “no confidence in the Obama administration” on their editorial page.
Really? You expect us to believe this chain of distractions? Even a rank amateur can see that they are just stuffing the news cycle with noise at this point…
WATCH THE OTHER HAND -- it will move soon.
Benghazi is the hand we should be watching.