Egyptian health dept. reports 29 Muslim Brotherhood protesters killed, 650 injured, says MB inflated Saturday’s casualties

The Egyptian Health Moslem Brotherhood reported 29 Muslim Brotherhood protesters killed, 650 injured – not more 100 dead and 4,000 injured as the Brotherhood claimed from live fire it said was directed against its supporters around Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Nasser City early Saturday, July 27.  Earlier, Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim vowed to end the three-week sit-in at the mosque calling for the reinstatement of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and restore order to Cairo streets after the two massive rival demonstrations Friday night. The military claim millions rallied in support of the army in Tahrir Square. Explosions were heard in Eilat from Sinai fighting.

DEBKAfile reported Friday night: Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators filled Cairo’s streets and squares Friday, July 26 in rival rallies shortly after deposed president Mohamed Morsi was formally charged and detained for 15 days. Tahrir Square was packed with crowds responding to Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s call for a mandate to support the military fight on “terrorists.” Another huge crowd of Morsi supporters packed the streets around the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Nasser City.

Instead of directing their ire at the overthrown Muslim Brotherhood, the pro-military demonstrators shouted “Bye Bye America!” as huge placards waved over their heads depicting as a threesome Gen. El-Sisi, Vladimir Putin and Gemal Abdel Nasser, who ruled Egypt in the 60s in close alliance with the Soviet Union.


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