If you only watch one video this year, this is the one to watch. It can save your life [or the life of someone you care about].
The preliminary results show:
- The vaccines have already killed more Americans than COVID
- For kids 5-11, the 5-11 death report data indicates we are killing 336 kids for every child we might save from COVID if the vaccine was 100% perfect in protecting against death.
- The second shot is the most dangerous and increases all-cause mortality (ACM) over the next 30 days by 5X, the first and third shots raise ACM by 3X, and the fourth shot appears to only mildly elevate your risk of death. The analogy is that if 3 bullets to your head haven’t stopped you, it’s unlikely the 4th bullet will make much of a difference.
- It appears that the true number of COVID deaths, vaccine deaths, and annual deaths from heart attacks are relatively comparable with each other (within a factor of 2) since January 2020 to the present. This suggests that only around 650,000 people actually died from COVID, and a slightly larger number have died from the COVID vaccines. This is in line with our VAERS minimum estimate of excess deaths caused by the vaccine: 12,000 VAERS excess deaths in the US * 41 (under-reporting factor) = 492,000 deaths.
- These are all estimates, but the numbers are so absurdly high that nobody should be taking these vaccines, especially kids. It’s unethical. CONTINUED…
COVID has a negligible impact on child death rates. Deaths in kids are caused by cancer, accidents, etc. and it doesn’t change much year over year. So the deaths in kids should be even over time (there will be some seasonality of course). The first two bars represent 22 months. The last bar is 7 months. So how can just as many kids die in 7 months as in the 22 months prior to that? That can only happen if kids are dying at 3 times the earlier rate.
So what happened on Oct 29, 2021? We approved the vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds! But not every kid got the shot.
So if we injected only 50% of the kids in that age group, then this basically is a kill rate that is 6 times the normal all-cause mortality rate. That’s huge. It’s the biggest killer of kids of all time. The CDC outside committee (ACIP) just recommended that your child SHOULD get this vaccine so they don’t die from COVID. Just one person voted “No.” This is minutes after I told them that the data shows the vaccines were killing kids at a far higher rate than COVID and they should do their own surveys to find the truth.
Read the entire article here, and PLEASE SHARE
There is a great deal more to the article than the snippets I posted here. Obviously none of this is news to the readers of this blog. What I am hoping is that someone, somewhere picks this up and shares it with a friend or family member who is about to cause the injury or death of their own child or children. The sickness and evil that permeates our world is beyond measure, and anything we can do to counter that will not be in vain.
187 PC is what they are doing, nothing less. MURDER, MURDER, MURDER, are you alright with that?
Since Covid does not exist nobody has been killed by it. They have been killed by the shots.
Well, I can understand your concern for passing the information on. But I have one son who flat out told me to remove him from my list. He and his nurse wife both got the shot and are woke. Other members of the family are split (some did, and some didn’t). Overall, most folks in my circle aren’t interested in learning due to other concerns in their lives (work, play, travel). Should I be concerned? Not really. Not at this point. Their life. Shake the dust and do a 180.
So if it has not been isolated, can we say it even exists?
Yes, the Covid-19 HAS been isolated. Just because a few people spew the nonsense about it not being isolated, or it doesn’t exist, doesn’t make it so. The virus has been isolated many many times by many labs in many different countries. It is a man-made chimeric virus, engineered with several different proteins. The vaccine has the same proteins that the virus has, and is without a doubt significantly more dangerous and deadly than the virus itself. The vaccine, like the virus, is a bioweapon.
The ORIGINAL iteration of the virus, which was developed in the Wuhan Lab in China, has not been provided to scientists and therefore has not been isolated, but the virus itself in the wild has been isolated many times.