Emergency Motion Granted

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3 months ago

There goes a few million votes. Just more they will have to FAKE. They better pick a nominee soon as the printing will take time.

Al Bino
Al Bino
3 months ago

Not a single American ‘pays their own way’.
The banks have made it clear, THEY own all the money.
As taught in every econ class in the US, MONEY IS DEBT.
You ‘tax dollar’ go to pay the civil war debt, the country is run off of interest from perpetual bonds.
This kind of sophistry promotion is a means of ‘Blowing smoke up your butt’, a promotion of class warfare. The worst parts are the narcissist who believe they’re above everyone else because they ‘pay taxes’.
Ignorance is bliss, and the general public are living high off the hog heaven of propaganda. The NAACP has a lower sense of entitlement, and that’s a HIGH BAR to clear.

Last edited 3 months ago by Al Bino