If you have information concerning food shortages in your area, please add a comment detailing the shortage(s), store name(s) and the location.
David DeGerolamo
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If you have information concerning food shortages in your area, please add a comment detailing the shortage(s), store name(s) and the location.
David DeGerolamo
Question: Where was this video taken? Which state?
My AO has seen a “limited selection” in other words its a scavenger hunt to find the wife’s favorite brand of XYZ.
Shelf’s overall do seem to short about 30% of what things where pre covid.
My area: Catawba County NC
This is southern Prepper 1’s kid so I believe it’s NC
South Carolina
Southern Prepper living in Michigan, which there are 7-Krogers within twenty minutes to pick from. Friday went shopping for my usual trip for veggies/ fruit/dairy….Produce was 90% full, deli/bakery looked good, meat/seafood 95%, grocery aisles sections were empty in every aisle, but shoppable, Dairy 80%, frozen 40%.
Wine and liquor 95% 😜.
Shopped two stores and both about the same. I live 25-minites from Canada border….so far the fear of no trucks is hurting our veggies/fruit.
CORRECTION—--trucks is NOT hurting our veggies/fruit.
I remember seeing a video of Black Friday shoppers throwing down, fist fighting in Wal-Mart over flatscreen tv’s & plastic trinquets, all made in China. At the end of the video it said “Wait until it’s over food”.
I am wondering if there is a difference between the red states grocery stores and blue state grocery stores. So as the guy above asked where was this video taken
Good question. I’m in a small town in South Central Texas. We’re well supplied here; but I don’t want to be specific on location, because we are overrun with illegals.
Ingles in B’ville is missing a few items but also missing some shelves. They do have lots of open floor space however;.
Panhandle of Florida has fairly good stockage in all stores.
Certain brands may be short one day but be on shelves two days later.
There are occasions where some fresh veggies are missing for three days.
This is the low traffic season for tourists. Yes, there sre the Snowbirds here for more than a month,but the big influx of toursts hits in mid-Spring.
Restaurants are open and most have full menu, although occasionally some items are not available.
I read a very interesting reason why some areas are having problems. I didn’t realize that 60% of the food is consumed outside of the home. If you think about it, it makes sense. Not only restaurants, but schools, and hospitals. You could probably come up with more. If your area has any lock downs or restrictions, this is going to impact the supply chain for retail food distribution. So I’m curious if this video was taken in an area with restrictions. No restrictions where I’m at, (western NC) and there’s little impact on the grocery stores here. Nothing at all like the video.
I read that Walmart pays 120 days net. That’s a long time to wait for your money. The Walmart suppliers are just selling to companies that pay faster than Walmart.
I moved from Hershey PA to the Alabama,Mississippi, Tennessee state line area about 4 months ago. We live in a rural community where internet access is very limited. Local income is based on cattle, farming, and logging. We have traveled and shopped in Memphis and Nashville as well as locally for these last 4 months. It seems to me that the cities are well stocked at the expense of rural communities.
I have family who work @ Hellmart in TN, GA, and NC. They have continually told me it’s not a stock issue; it’s a staff stocking issue….until recently!
Hellmart is in on week 52 for their physical year (they are not putting 2022 items out except food/perishables/seasonal items), they are just now being delivered week 23 of their physical year delivery in most places, week 33 in TN.
My family in all 3 states have said weeks 1-3 food and seasonal items only have been ordered for 2022!! Think about that last line for a moment!!
I would say that if there is something you have been putting off getting, get it when you find it because it may not be restocked for some time.
I can confirm delivery issues on food items for WNC Walmart, not why though….
This trucker convoy into Ottawa and then the other one in the USA supposed to be happening is, in my view, a waste. TPTB will let em roll around and rant & rave and honk the horns, bitch and moan, then carryon with their vile rulings, business as usual. They may give voice, “something will be done”, to placate the protestors but little will happen. Stay home, shut the damn trucks off, no nothing gets moved anywhere, and let things get chaotic for about 3 days with no relief in sight. Once our just in time delivery service gets shut down the ripple effect takes hold and it can take multiple weeks, if not multiple months, to get it sorted out again. Remember that once you shut down deliveries to the end user it ripples clear back to the producers shutting down because they have no place to ship their goods. Ripple ripple. That’ll get their attention mui pronto.
You lose control over your life and liberties because you let someone take them away in the fist place.
Up here in Maine we have some empty shelves, but not as bad as the video showed. But it could be coming. A smaller population base would make the same amount of product look better. We will see. Try to stay calm and have a blessed day!
Just returned from the Town & Country grocery here in the Ozarks. Empty shelves in pet food, bread, pie crusts, crackers, processed potatoes (French fries, etc.). Everything else seemed to be available albeit with lots of bare spaces surrounding.
They drove us to the big box stores throughout the pandemic and now they are under stocking them on purpose. Find and shop in little shops.
Went to store today in NE Ohio. A few shortages. Some brands of stuff missing.
Central NC ok, agree with observation about cities getting stocked at the expense of rural, could be just Walmarts, as someone else suggested. Walmart doesn’t give 2 cents for their employees or their customers. They were the first to go cashierless. Shop elsewhere.
Also, agree with the observation about black friday, so far, though, ebt stores are holding up, piggly wiggly, etc.
These supply chain issues are transitory, the question is for how long?