End Game?


Some dots to connect:

• All fiat currencies eventually fail.
• The Federal Reserve currency is the longest lasting fiat currency in history.
• The US government has accumulated debt to the point it can realistically never be repaid.
• The US government is showing absolutely no restraint in amassing yet more debt.
• The US government has sold treasury bonds to foreign nations that will soon be recognized as worthless.
• The rest of the Western world has followed the US lead into massive debt and fiat currency.
• The Federal Reserve Charter is due to expire this year.
• The Feds have purchased weapons, bullets, body bags, built FEMA camps, and are running drills in American cities and are deploying drones.
• DHS has begun training for a zombie apocalypse, likely to desensitize its people to firing on American citizens.
• The police in the US have been militarized.
• The US government is provoking both China and Russia with efforts to destabilize Syria and Iran, strategic allies of China and Russia.
• The US government has sent our military to war against Al Qaeda, but originally organized the group and are currently funding their invasions in previously pro-western countries in the Middle East.
• The US Military is preparing contingency plans for a pre-emptive strike against China. http://www.prisonplanet.com/the-two-faux-democracies-threaten-life-on-earth.html
• The US government has proven itself to be a rouge government devoid of any remaining respect for the Constitution.
• The US government makes repeated noises about but does little to actually restrict or confiscate firearms from the public. This causes the public to panic and buy all they can get their hands on. Is ‘arming up’ the people the true goal?
• The US Justice Department and government mouthpieces (MSM) seem determined to foment a race war within the US and keep the southern border in a state of chaos.

Could it be that the powers that be (banksters, Illuminists, et. al.) have run the fiat American petro-dollar to its planned conclusion; a conclusion that collapses world currencies and economies, wipes out national debt, and destroys their enemies in one fell swoop? Could it be that they understand that default on the debt and foreign owned treasuries will result in war and that the build up of military within the US is initially intended for riot control, but that Americans are being encouraged to ‘arm up’ to deter any thought by foreign powers of securing whatever collateral they may feel due them as a result of the default by invading the ‘homeland’?

Such a strategy would seem plausible if one understands that the ones with the most debt win if it is successfully accomplished. The net result would be that the natural resources, labor, etc. pumped out of foreign nations over the past few decades and ‘paid for’ in US Treasuries would never actually be paid for. Establishing and arming Al Qaeda and then releasing them on Western leaning countries in the Middle East would provide the instability necessary to foment justification for the end game war and distraction from the true necessity for said war.

If this is, indeed, the master plan, successfully accomplishing it would leave the elites as masters of the world. The division and chaos created by them would end with their dream of a one world order a reality. They would control all wealth and labor. A grand culling of the human population, those they contend are ‘useless eaters’ will have been accomplished. It would likely result in the darkest period of tyranny in human history with literally no place to hide on the entire planet.

Even if this be the plan, there is yet hope for We the People. It is said the best laid battle plan rarely survives first contact with the enemy. The US government has made it very clear that We the People are the enemy, along with any country that fails to bend the knee to their authority, and even some that do (Libya, Egypt, etc.). We the People are finally showing signs of awakening. China and Russia certainly are aware of the dangers and are pushing back. The alternative media is gaining ever more traction as people begin to realize that the institutions of authority can no longer be trusted.

No one can predict the future. It remains our responsibility, as individuals, to prepare for the worst and pray for the best. We must continue to shine light on the darkness if humanity is to survive what our ‘masters’ have planned for us.

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