Endless Wars

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 hours ago

Beersheba-Dimona area, the US has its only base in Israel, of 110+ soldiers who operate an AN/TPY-2 missile defense radar.
Rumors have it they have another one, so as much as the talking heads like to bad mouth Israel and we shouldn’t be involved or care about Israel.
Study and research the history, ISRAEL is our alliance to be quick about doing things in the middle east. Israel provides a strategic American foothold in the region as well as intelligence and advanced technological partnerships in both the civilian and military worlds. During the Cold War, Israel was a vital counterweight to Soviet influence in the region.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 hours ago

Stupid is as stupid does. It’s always one wicked thing after another. Constant war in distant and local lands and Assholes trying to burn, kill and destroy as many people everywhere. The assholes in FEMA act like thugs and won’t even help out our U.S. citizens in a time of disaster. WTF is going on and how long do we put up with this shit?

Last edited 2 hours ago by Randolph Scott
16 minutes ago

It would be pretty funny if the Muslims managed to liberate the Mossad’s kompromat video library of Western politicians, ‘business leaders,’ and the wealthy, and the Western governments then immediately switched sides in the conflict.