EPA Gives $30,000 to Unitarian Church That Preaches Against ‘White Privilege’


The Environmental Protection Agency has given $30,000 to a Unitarian church that preaches about “white privilege” and says that America is “structurally racist.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton, Florida, received an “environmental justice grant” for education and training about sea level rise and climate change, the agency announced Wednesday.

The grant is to provide “Replicable and Scalable Community Climate Resilience Building in Two Communities in Palm Beach County, Florida.”

“EPA’s environmental justice grants help communities across the country understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks at the local level,” said Matthew Tejada, the director of the Office of Environmental Justice.

“Addressing the impacts of climate change is a priority for EPA and the projects supported by this year’s grants will help communities prepare for and build resilience to localized climate impacts.”

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton is a “liberal religious community” that currently offers classes on “Being White,” and holds town meetings on Black Lives Matter. The church supports same-sex marriage and has a climate-change working group.


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9 years ago

what does the epa have to do with issuing out anti white social justice grants to a satanic church. where the hell is the oversight of this out of control bureaucracy from our congressman.