Episcopal Sodomy: Communist Homosexual Infiltrators

As news spreads about former Cardinal McCarrick’s “open secret” lifestyle, even amidst highly questionable denials by the leading members of the U.S. hierarchy, the shock and flat-out rage by faithful Catholics is mounting to a fever pitch — rightly so.

Many are asking: How can this be? How can there possibly be this many homosexual men in the priesthood? How could they have possibly risen to such heights, to the level of archbishops and even cardinals?

The answers to those questions go back to a plan by Communist agents who were taking their orders from Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in the 1920s. Almost three years ago, Church Militant conducted an on-camera interview with the notable Alice von Hildebrand, widow of the much-revered Dietrich von Hildebrand. The interview didn’t get much attention then, but we think it will now.


h/t Hermit Sister


Can you see the analogies in our country as homosexuality is extolled as a virtue and our children are indoctrinated in grade school to accept LGBT norms?

David DeGerolamo

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