Erdogan, Gun Running From Benghazi and Caliphates

Prime Minister Erdogan met with Obama to discuss peace talks in Syria. Doubtful. Russia will never give up Tartus and this means unconditional support for Assad. Including the installation of a new missile defense system in Syria. Let me propose another more plausible scenario. Erdogan came to discuss the coverup of running arms to Turkey from Benghazi to support Syrian rebels. But no news outlet is considering this possibility or the reason why Erdogan is Obama’s closest ally.

What is the plan? Look to history and it is nothing less than the establishment of a new Caliphate based in Turkey. Which is why Obama did not include Israel in these supposed peace talks.

David DeGerolamo

Obama and Erdogan demand Assad step down

Amid a flurry of moves to organize peace talks to end Syria’s bloody civil war, US President Barack Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted Bashar al-Assad must step down.

The two met Thursday in Washington as efforts to bring the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition together at an international conference next month gathered pace.

At a joint White House news conference, the Turkish and US leaders restated their position, but Obama admitted: “There is no magic formula for dealing with an extraordinarily violent and difficult situation like Syria’s.”

World leaders have been beating a path to Moscow’s door in recent days, amid hopes that Russia can sway the Assad regime to come to negotiations, and end the killing which rights activists say has claimed some 94,000 lives.


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