Eric Holder Has A Dilemma at the Department of Injustice

Eric Holder will not prosecute “his people” under federal law making two classes of citizens in our country . Does this protection include transgendered individuals? Federal Legislation passed under the Obama administration makes the following individuals “protected” under hate crimes:

Bills H.R. 2647 & S. 909 became law

  • Added gender, sexual orientation and disability as protected classes. It would thus protect female, male, intersexual, heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, transgendered, transsexual, cis-gendered, disabled, and able-bodied persons. That is, it would protect every person in the U.S. in four new ways, in addition to the earlier four, making a total of eight-way protection.

It appears that the woman who was seriously attacked by two black women in a McDonalds’ restaurant is a transgender woman.

Transgender woman, 22, tells of brutal attack

The victim of a sustained attack in a Baltimore County McDonald’s has spoken for the first time about the beating she received, and how nobody came to her aid.

Chrissy Lee Polis, a 22-year-old transgender woman, said she was afraid to go outside after the attack, and hinted that it might have been racially motivated – as both of her attackers were black.

She said: ‘They just hurt me really bad, and I’m afraid to go outside now because of stuff like this.’

Read more:

This case is now clearly a hate crimes case that involves the federal Department of Justice. Will Mr. Holder uphold the law that was passed under this administration? Or will he prove that the American people are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of Injustice?

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

Holder will not even touch this. Now if the gay/transgender community wants to push it, they may get results. Will wait and see. But I agree agree that no human being should ever be beat like this or humiliated, regardless of religion, race or sex orientation.

Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
13 years ago

He will not do anything, he never does.

gene willis
gene willis
13 years ago

transgender white female,oh,yah,eric holder will get right on this.wait,did i say white femal transgender?NTI-RACISM IS CODE FOR ANTI-WHITE.