PARIS — "At the stake! At the stake!" an effigy of Emmanuel Macron set on fire by the crowd on Place de la
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 17, 2023
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People in this country are so divided -- I don’t know how to get our anger focused -operation mocking bird and the mass media has about 1/2 of the country bamboozled
It’s got to be about more than the anger. For instance, when a married couple in a troubled marriage argue and argue, and anger builds and is not diffused, they tend to go their separate ways, not being able to stand the company of the other. With Americans so divided, they will like fizzle out as well. It’s an energy issue. However, if there were a set of circumstances that might facilitate that albeit sadly at this point, as there were others that were more pressing, it would likely be the financial downturn. This would need to be managed in a highly organized manner, rather structured with many aspects in place, such as access to land, knowledge of skills needed (for food production, building structures, simple things and in support capacities), know-how, and a way to transmit this as a widespread opportunity, bargaining power for laborers, incentives, rewards, travel accommodations, a communications system with liaisons and signage for areas of activity, and things like that. Where would that organization come from and is it currently viable?
That old khazar Merrick Garland would have those folks up on attempted murder and sedition charges if he were stinking up France right now.
It makes more of a difference than writing snarky comments.
Sadly, DR the whole WELL PUBLICIZED soviet style show trials of Jan 6th has done a fine job quelling the French style protests. That and the constant divisive attacks about Trump to shatter trust and faith in the system.
Most of us EXPECT the next Protest is going to be well planned by the 3 letter folks for a new soviet style gulag filler.
We remember how the Feds picked those Jan 6th protesters off ONE BY ONE at their homes BECAUSE of Geofencing the cell phones, surveillance videos (You know the ones the UNIPARTY is enraged was released by Tucker), AND WORSE Betrayal by friends and family that they were AT the Jan 6th event.
Oh, and did you NOTICE the attacks against Tucker for not being too brave (ever hear of a dead horse in your bed?) and Tuckers a TOOL of the Uniparty.
Very successful divide and contain, eh?
I suspect that the Feddies are busy trumping up charges against Trump BECAUSE they FEAR his ability to rally the troops. Even the Obummer Appointed Judge has ORDERED Trumps LAWYER to Testify Against Him.
Ever hear about Lawyer-client relationship? It’s IN THE LAWS, but the writers of the LAWS are rewriting them, just like the Jan 6th crew.
It’s harsh but if I’m wrong I’d happily hear why.
Well said. The Banana Republic of America.
“Ever hear about Lawyer-client relationship? It’s IN THE LAWS, but the writers of the LAWS are rewriting them, just like the Jan 6th crew.”
The system of lawyers (economic terrorism) has to end. It’s why a lot of people no longer identify with being American. One’s economic status determines if they have constitutional and civil rights, or if they will be disregarded. There is no such thing as America in terms of how it’s presented throughout media and curricula with unlimited opportunities and access to institutions (academically and politically). What might replace lawyers? If people stop utilizing these services while replacing them with more efficient and economically reasonable means in local and national venues, it would offer pushback to the status quo. This current system is furthering monopoly capitalism and the people are thereby agreeing to more overreach by the corporate-industrial complex. America is increasingly becoming a nation of people with no skills or bargaining ability while the government either hires for the themselves or encourages many of the most skilled to work abroad, cajoled through economic and social incentives to profit more there. This landscape is merely a global bounty to be usurped, divided and redistributed (having already been so).
Question? Is this also a snarky remark?
“Even the French Have More Backbone than US”
i have come to believe Newtons third law also seems to include words.
I’m not so sure about that, D. All the gaslighting, the lying, the pretending, the deceptions of the left can practically force the sane to question whether they’re actually seeing reality at times, or question whether their reality has shifted into some other reality. The biting and snark and sarcasm are an outlet AND a reminder that WE ARE SEEING THINGS AS THEY REALLY ARE. I say, let people vent. Vent. And train. And prep. And network. And resist. Even unto death. Still, venting, like faith, is empty without works.
AND This Just IN as the news Muppet would say:
New chief judge in Washington to oversee secret Trump proceedings (
Anybody STILL think we live in a Nation of Laws and Justice?
Just supports my comment elsewhere on this thread.
What’s the boxes again?
France is French. They imported a lot of third world migrants. But France is still French. Homogeneous ethnicity. They have more in common with each other than Americans have with each other. Plus, the French government is messing with the pensions.
Well, I’m suspecting shortly OUR Gov will be messing with OUR Pensions via Central Bank Electronic (Read total control) Currency as well as “Changes” to our Social Security and such.
Bad social score (like posting here) Buy Gas, NOPE, By Groceries NOPE and so on until you go to an approved “Struggle Session” Comrade.
The USSR is Dead, Long Live the USSA (sarc).
Will we respond THEN?
Like I said above, the 3 letter agencies divide and contain is working VERY WELL.
Time we decide to man up it will be too damn late and we will be JUDEN Part II.
So, what has stopped you from going for it?
Most actions need no backup.
Right! Even the damn French are going mental and taking care of business and what do we do here in the U.S? Well please let me tell you -- NOT a damn stinking thing.
I also suspect, from looking at videos of the riots, that many of the rioters are anarchists and antifa types. Not regular French people.