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Here’s another one you can post on the main page….
I though the black pigeon had been banned on YT.
I will review in more detail, but I am having trouble understanding. How will this work when they have to have our money to make it work? They take our money now, I dont rhink they will.go along with eliminating the source of their funding.
I think we all need more details which they said will be forthcoming. I know one thing: what we currently have is not working and cannot sustain itself much longer.
What they are advocating is a peaceful, negotiated separation of blue versus red areas…. not along current state lines BTW. State lines are a construct that can be deconstructed FYI.
A major part of Los Angeles County would be turned into a ‘City State’ along the lines of Singapore--where they could bugger away at each other to their hearts content… and they would not be allowed to votes in National elections, nor hold national offices. Imagine these major blue areas like NYC, Chi-Congo, Cali Bay Area, Seattle and so forth as just city states.
Baring a peaceful, negotiated separation their thesis is that civil war is inevitable--and that the outcome will be the same because of our numbers, firearm ownership, etc.
They are also advocating that the US Constitution be re-written into the Propertarian Model (highly strenghtened), where leftist parasitism cannot be thrust upon the populations in the future.
I suggest you spend an afternoon and consume most of the videos on John Mark’s link.
The propertarian model is a very workable and I hope will be implemented. If we do not separate from the communist blue cities then direct conflict will result.
I am trying to get everyone I know to watch the John Mark videos, unfortunately many of the people I know are still in denial. They just do not want to confront reality. They still do not understand that the communist left is on the march to destroy America. Any suggestions on how to convince people to watch the John Mark videos?
Not yet
This may sound good on the face of things, but I can not see how these city states would be self sustaining in the long run. The people would soon be coveting their neighbors property and freedom in the adjoining areas and we would be right back at what’s going on now.
I agree. The safeguards needed to be put in place for this to “work” would eventually collapse. Along with the rest of the country. It is time to meet the crisis head on and fix it.
Me and my husband want to come on the 4th. Now can we get info to support?
I would go to John Mark’s channel on Youtube and watch his vids for a place and time…. baring that go to this site:
Have a question? +1 (860) 365 1408
In reply to Truth in Tension above…
I don’t know how to make a ‘reality denier’ watch or listen to anything.
The KGB knew how, but it required gulags and lit road flares.
The only way some ‘normie-con’ (meaning, “hey what about the Dodgers?” and “afterwards lets do a round of golf.”) types is to let them wake up in the gutter face down in their own vomit like a drunk after a binge.
Personal case witnessed of a normie-con waking up: I was line line at the local gun store last week and struck up a conversation with a middle aged gentleman who had just purchased a condo in Long Beach in the posh waterfront area--below his condo was restaurants and shops. There was heavy looting and rioting there two weeks ago. And this guy stood there on his balcony watching the chaos below unable to do anything about it because he was completely unarmed.
He was lucky that his building did not get burned out as all he had was harsh language and a butter knife to wave at the thugs. He literally woke up, face down at the gutter that day. Now he was standing in line waiting to purchase a firearm and had the motivation to go out and learn how to use it and the determination to stand his ground if necessary.
Note: if this guy had merely possessed a Ruger 10/22, he could have change the course of history in Long Beach. He could have broken up the looting and burning and saved his neighborhood.
Another example: Some years ago I met a man who during the riots in 1994 had his home invaded by porch-dwellers. He had purchased a home in the UCLA district thinking he was doing the good liberal thing to help rebuild the community. Anyways, they busted into his home, beat him half to death and raped his wife in front of him. At the moment he became an instant III% type having woken up face down in the gutter.
Final note to Truth… wait a while with these dunderheads you know. The chaos is likely to intensify and come closer to home. When they start to smell smoke, then they may want to discuss options with you. Also do not reveal any “prep-plans” or discussions of the like to them--when the chips are down, these normies will assuredly sell you out for a can of baked beans.
“S” as in Shinmen