Everything And Everybody Is More Important Than you, by Robert Gore

You will sacrifice and sacrifice until there’s nothing left to sacrifice.

If we’re all responsible to everybody, what’s in it for you? How does it work, exactly? Can you claim anything—your production, property, expression, body, mind, life, or soul—for yourself? If you can’t, if everyone else has first claim to them, what can you claim for yourself? Do you give up everything for our eight billion fellow earth-citizens as they give up everything for you? Do you get one eight-billioneth of what’s nominally everyone else’s? Or is this supposed to be pure sacrifice—give up everything and receive nothing in return? If you give up everything, is there any you left?

It’s best not to think about such questions, they won’t get you anywhere but confused. What you do know is what you’ve been told your entire life: everything you do for others is good; everything you do for yourself is selfish and bad. Just look what happens when everyone pulls together in a cause greater than themselves, like war. Isn’t that a cause greater than yourself, maiming and killing people you don’t know? You must be doing it for the greater good, because you might be maimed or killed by those people you don’t know. Oh, you can’t let yourself think of it that way. Everyone has to pitch in.

Government must be a cause greater than yourself, because you spend several months every year working to pay your taxes. That’s a good chunk of money, and you and millions of other hard-working Americans pay it. People complain a bit, but everybody pays, because it’s necessary to keep the country running and fund all the great things the government does. Like what, exactly? You’re funding those wars, and a lot of money ends up in the pockets of people who are of no discernible benefit to you. A lot of it stays right there in Washington. And even with all the money they take in they are still $31 trillion in the hole. Stop it! You can’t let yourself think of it that way; we’ve got to have government.


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Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

How much longer Oh Lord, must we carry this yoke of bondage?

2 years ago

My personal opinion is to destroy everything and start from scratch. Sounds harsh; but it would put everyone on a different playing field. Those who can produce will. Those who can’t die. We have become too accustomed to modern living. Who can shear a sheep (I mean a real sheep)? Who can butcher a deer? Make a fire, build a shelter, log cabin, lay bricks? Do we really need computers, cell phones, airplanes? Can you break a horse, wash clothes with a scrub board? How about smokin’ meat instead of a refrigerator? Storing root crops in the dirt and straw over the winter? Get the picture? Tear it down…everything. Nothing wrong with that. Gonna end up that way anyway when the Lord returns. Like the saying goes -- I got good news and I got bad news. What’s the good news? Jesus is coming back. What’s the bad news? Boy, is He mad.

2 years ago

Whats the back story about that picture?

Was that person ever ID’d…

2 years ago

LOL! The guy who wrote this thinks ‘everybody pays’ when it comes to taxes. He obviously hasn’t been paying attention.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

The Love of Money infects many on all fronts.
Perhaps all of these wars and rumors of wars have the purpose of showing all of us how far we have strayed?

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

There is no time for proof of everything-- especially so when the enemy ambushing you in the kill zone. This is from Michael Yon and his newsletter today; he took time away from prepping to write.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Tragedy of the Commons

ANARCHY! Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.
Basically, government is the biggest scam in history.
Replace armed gang with government.