Everything Is in Flux

      It’s less than a week since the skies over the Negev Desert filled with something eerily like the flying monkeys of Oz upgraded to Hamas Road Warriors in motorized paragliders, kicking off that third world war we’ve been hearing about all our lives, and not at all the way we expected either, which was more Dr. Strangelove style, with the mushroom clouds billowing everywhere — though, who knows, it might come to that, too, before long.

      This new catastrophe, quickly globalizing, makes the War in Ukraine seem as comfortable as an old sweater. For now, the question of intel failures must be put aside. There will be no official inquiries while US carrier fleets sail into position, and Hezbollah does a war dance on the northern frontier with Syria, and the Israelis struggle to strategize an extremely sticky hostage predicament, even as their air force blows up whole blocks of Gaza City.

I’d go so far to predict that well before the 2024 election, America will have a new chief executive and that it won’t be Kamala Harris. It could be someone in a uniform, though. Just sayin’. Everything is in flux.



I was not going to publish Mr. Kunstler’s latest piece since many other outlets have already done so. But the ending of his missive that I bolded above keeps nagging at me. The government that is so fearful of an insurrection that they manufactured a fedsurrection is doing so for one reason: they are trying to legitimize their overthrow of the Republic.

Overthrowing this illegal regime and the Deep State is not a revolution or insurrection: it is a Restoration of the Constitution based on our founding fathers’ wisdom and a firm reliance on Divine Providence. I have long since given up hope that we will return to our Father in numbers large enough to restore Sacred Honor and Liberty.

As all empires collapse under their own corruption, greed and incompetence, this nation (empire) has also fallen. Its momentum is keeping its dead pResident walking (barely), but even the puppet masters are in panic mode as they are willing to start a nuclear worldwide conflagration to gain more time. But time is running out and nature abhors a vacuum.

Washington, D.C. is a cesspool of evil where everyone is blackmailed and most are also blackmailers. There is no representation of the people or any concern of our future. If the people will not rise up, that only leaves two options:

  1. Military coup
  2. Outside attack

Our government has set up the chessboard so that the country will fall from within and an oppressive dictatorship will be instituted. And yes, it will be worse than the COVID-19 lockdowns which were a trial run. I do not want to speculate about the level of evil that will be unleashed; I cannot believe that we have accepted the depth of evil already present in our country.

I can only hope that there are enough military leaders who honor their oath to defend the Constitution and hold these traitors accountable for their crimes on earth as they will be in Heaven. With an homage to the movie Jaws: they will need a bigger Hell.

David DeGerolamo

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Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Don’t worry, Hell can hold all of them!

1 year ago


1 year ago

I would think an “outside” aggressor that is operating within, then the military steps in with martial law to attack the problem, all the while removing the rest of our rights under the charade of security.

Last edited 1 year ago by kal
Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago

I’m sure they have it all figured out. I feel like I am watching a horrible play. The curtain goes up, joebiden stumbles out, Kamala tries to speak, the senate is coughing up blood, the house can’t find their key into the chamber but some old out of practice doctor orders all souls to take an experimental shot, while groups try to kill all the cows and chickens and idiots like bill gates, a computer man, prints 3D “?meat”.
It’s act 1313 today, and I wonder what it will bring?