Evidence suggests genetic manipulation in COVID-19

The most conspicuous sign of genetic manipulation is the presence of a furin polybasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2, a structure that is not present in any of the coronaviruses so far identified as possible recent ancestors.

According to the new study, the furin site was created by a genetic, nucleotide insertion that coded for amino acids proline, arginine, arginine, alanine (PRRA). The two arginines are coded by nucleotide “codons,” consisting of a sequence of three nucleotides each, CGG-CGG.

The codon CGG is rare. Only 5% of arginines are coded by CGG in SARS-CoV-2 or its closest identified bat coronavirus relative, RaTG13 and it is the only instance of a double CGG-CGG codon.

Also, the CGG-CGG insert includes a FauI restriction site, of which there are six instances in SAR-CoV-2, a “marker” used in cloning and the screening of genetic mutations.

Engineering of the cleavage sites can make a coronavirus more dangerous because furin is an enzyme found in multiple human organ systems.

Such a modification may have given SARS-CoV-2 the ability to infect cells and organs otherwise insensitive to unaltered coronaviruses.



The above information proves that SARS-COV2 was generated in the laboratory. The media is not covering it. The “government” is silent. And people do not have the education to understand the science behind this pandemic.

There are some calls for China to pay reparations for the damage that was caused by its release and subsequent exploitation by all of the world’s governments. It would be interesting to have China lose such a case in a world court and have other nations confiscate Chinese property for compensation. Then again, what is our exposure as a nation for funding this “research”?

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

There was talk last year about UNC Chapel Hill, Fort Detrick and Canada being involved. I would like to see the truth come out.

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

We are living in the Age of Deception.
I have thought since March of 2020 that the evidence was clear that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab. My evidence was that polybasic furin cleavage site that is far off the phylogenetic tree. That being said there may be other evil afoot as well. One possibility is the reconstituted 1918 Spanish flu from 2005. That involved NIH as well as Walter Reed and agencies of the US government:
Here is one take on the possibility based on CDC data: https://youtu.be/CJyzDDKsImg