
We will never forgive the government, the educational system or the medical profession for this evil.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Re: the Covid-19 scandal and other such atrocities:

This is not my government (nor are the other institutions mentioned above legitimate; the educational and medical industrial complexes), and I don’t vote to install these people. It’s the beast system wanting me to bow down and worship them…not going to happen. However, the other side is also behaving as an enemy, by not building any counterpart to this evil, and no, churches don’t count for the most part. There is not even a culture in America for healthy gender cultivation. It seems as though any type of opposition (warfare) would save some lives and provide a window of opportunity to organize something efficient, but without the understanding and experiential realization of the civic aspects and functioning of society, it will likely devolve once again, and even worse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

This is not the government of these united states. That government is defined by the constitution, which *this* government violates with impunity. They are an occupational government, wearing the skin of the dead US goverment as a trophy. We have no duty or allegiance to this sham. Our duty is to our families, communties, and natural law. Stop using their money, that’s how they control us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

There are many that do claim this government as theirs, and they probably have few if any objections to not only their mandates, but all of their other involvements. To not use their money would be well and good, but there’s not much opportunity to do that, even if one works due to the excessive taxes. This is firmly the responsibility of the church to provide an insulated economic and social framework, when and where needed. For instance, telling someone they have to wear a mask or lose their job…where is the church system to be of assistance in working out (being a change agent) and administering such alternative systems? It seems the people are too passive to deal with their churches as well. Perhaps ceasing all tithes until a viable economic plan is put in place for generating and earning income/wealth should be considered (the church system is the government as well).

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Yeah, it’s a dilemma. There are, however, places, where the dominant economy is the underground economy. This is clearly the only future for liberty.
Now that you say it, I can clearly see an opportunity for the church to take a leading role. I have my doubts that they’ll take the bait, but if they do, they’ll start by abaondoning their 501c3 “priviledge”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

It seems to be a dissembling matter with many of these churches that they’ll preach “preparing for martyrdom” but not teach anything about biblical economics, or how to govern in terms of civic responsibilities largely revolving around day-to-day issues; personal development, relationships, marriage, divorce, finances, building strong social networks, and economic stability from a communal perspective (a unit that can extend to the larger economy and be a participant thereof, but also be insulated and able to function independently as a collective). This is reflective in the latter part of Piper’s response, in which he expressed he doesn’t want any emotion demonstrated or posited (called out elicited), that could direct attention to the wrongs of society, and in thereby righting them. It’s largely a passive negation of masculinity (or is espousing a different definition of masculinity) that seems to speak to a prevailing agenda dictated from without and within i.e., perhaps stemming from the 501c3 incentivisation (that seems to be devoid of passion). Whereas MacArthur was getting to the point, which seemed to irritate the former. Churches aren’t supposed to be a placid place (but their will be times for that), but rather require the lacking dynamicism, hence, it’s one-sided and apparent as such.

“How Can Christians In America Prepare for Persecution? John Piper and John MacArthur” -Desiring God


2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

I’m reminded of a theory I heard for why Shakespeare createed the “shylock” character: At the time, *all* “judeochristian” religions forbade the charging of interest on loans. It was a sin. The one exception at the time was that jews were permitted to charge interest from non-jews…. so the “christian” rich would invest their money with jewish bankers.
When did the church accept charging interest, and what was the biblical argument for that change?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

This is the most evil regime in all of history, bar none.

2 years ago

Tulsi Gabbard is a graduate of the WEF young global leaders, btw.
The end goal for all of this is normalization of adults having sex with kids. Worst part is it’s given a voice and that some are totally on board with it because the fag fascists want it and they’re the lefts golden child.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

I would be very careful of following anything she says.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

These days one must be extremely careful interpreting anything *anyone* says. The days of “trusting the experts” are well and truely dead. Truth is the source of authority, not the other way around.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

Correct, we will not forgive. And neither will we forget. There will be a day of reckoning; it is comiing soon.