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- Joe Blow on Common Sense
- Joe Blow on Who Really Won?
MY THOUGHTS precisely and have been asking that for years.
The white race has been made to feel guilty. Guilty for their color, guilty for their inventiveness, guilty for being builders and healers, and guilty for being educators and explorers. Mean while the other than white races have done nothing but tear down, destroy, stomp on the white’s creativeness. The only thing they have done successfully is make the whites feel guilty.
Just what do we think they are doing? They have destroyed everything that we need for survival and if that is not enough, the plan has been revealed. Dick the Durbin let it slip out, bring in the illegals to the military. The DOD has funded most all of the program of this illegal invasion, when the dollar crashes and martial law is declared their new army of illegals will be going door to door confiscating our weapons and killing us for good measure.
The word “racist” was invented by communists living in Europe in the early 1900’s. Magnus Hershfeld is most likely the guilty party. The word was invented to intimidate White people out of the political process. They wanted to destroy Western civilization using diversity and multi-culturalism. Those are their words.
We are not fighting yet because we haven’t felt enough pain. Because we are still too comfortable. Because we are still too attached to our material wealth. Because we love “entertainment” more than we love liberty.
Because we are still too afraid of what the fight for liberty will cost us.
It’s all Spiritual. Satan and his Sons of Disobedience represent the opposite of what God is; Since the Jewish race and henceforth the Europeans and Western peoples came from the line of Shem, then it follows that the other bloodlines, Ham & Japeth, who for the most part are not Christian nations (think Middle East and Asia), would seek to wipe out the line of Shem… that happen to generally be white. (Ephesians 6:12)