The View hosts claim Tucker Carlson is a propagandist. I asked them to provide examples — their response was astonishing:
— Damon Imani (@damonimani) February 18, 2024
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The blacks on that fake propaganda show are all racist evil satanic cult members of the demon-rat party, and the white one is just another putrid stinking white liberal trash bag. they are all mentally ill and deranged and should be put out with the garbage when it gets picked up. Only deranged people would watch a show like this.
Air-headed* women, spitting vitriol on TV to anyone who will listen. I doubt that they are stupid but they are certainly ignorant--and they refuse to educate themselves or go “off script” from the Leftarded blather that they vomit out on their show.
*Medical term: “pneumocranium”: that condition in which the gray matter has been squeezed out of the cranial vault, displaced by air under pressure. The condition is deemed to be incurable--and terminal.
He wasn’t on the show and didn’t (actually) question them.
Damon Imani @damonimani
“I discuss and create video content about things I’m not supposed to.”
So, we are being led to believe a lie? Is there any truth out there anymore?
Brain dead talking heads and just who is the propagandist? CIA puppets each and everyone.
Their silence is deafening!
I enjoy the videos Damon Imani puts out! They’re not real but he says what millions want to say!
I agree, but here’s the thing…
What good does it do to preach to the choir?
Everyone that comes here to read this website, already shares the majority of our viewpoints. We should be reaching out to the other part of the population that does not subscribe to our beliefs?
Everyone needs to stop and think for a moment: You and me, we have this idea in our head about topic ______. We formed that idea based on various inputs, aka the Sun will rise in the East. For whatever reasons, we hold that belief as true and correct.
What good does it do to hold a meeting of other people that also believe the Sun will rise in the East? Aren’t they already convinced that is true? Why are we not reaching out to the masses who think the Sun will rise in the West tomorrow?
The problem facing our nation is half the country is convinced we are run by pedophile satan worshipping psycopaths, the other half is convinced the pedo-psycho’s are the good guys and we are traitorous insurrectionists trying to overthrow the lawfully elected government.
Re-read that if you have to. You need to grok it.
Even if they don’t like the current occupants of Pennsylvania avenue, the idea of that side being over-thrown by traitorous insurrectionists is even worse! These people will DEFEND the pedo’s, even though they may not like them, because they’ve been convinced that our side is even worse!
How are we going to find a peaceful middle ground solution?
Hint: We aren’t.
If you still don’t get it, go look up that meme where the King is told by his advisor “You just need to convince the pitchfork people that the torch people want to take away their pitchforks.”
This is where we are, fighting among ourselves while the evil one’s thrive and succeed.
That ending was………perfect.
Drudge Report is propagandist. They just claimed that the MI6 asset, Navalny, who just died in a Russian prison, wrote a warning about Trump in his recent writings. Can they sink any lower? Some one from Google runs Drudge now. Matt Drudge is out.
How many of the comments watched the short video?
YEAH, Give me examples of your claims (of propaganda). Crickets.
🎤 drop
How many people think this really happened? Is this not also a problem?