Exclusive: Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story

I’ll bet you didn’t know this.

That story, mostly unknown until now, should at an absolute minimum require the approval of any employee’s request for conscience-based religious exemptions from employer or government vaccination mandates.

On October 6, with the help of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas (PV), a whistleblower at Pfizer revealed, in leaked internal emails, that company executives have been, in PV’s words, “telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine.”

The video cites an email from the company’s senior director of worldwide research admitting that “One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.” The firm’s chief scientific officer specifically identifies the cell line involved as “HEK293T cells … (which) are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus.”

Pfizer’s resistance to disclosing the roots of its vaccine’s origins seems inexplicable for at least three reasons.

The details of HEK293’s brutal – and from all appearances, until very recently, largely undisclosed – origins explain the company’s deep discomfort. Contrary to nearly a half-century of misrepresentation and obfuscation, HEK293’s creation did NOT arise from an “abortion” as everyday people understand it.

A very recent development serves to confirm this.

In August, the University of Pittsburgh effectively made a horrifying admission. The Center for Medical Progress, which had to enlist the help of Judicial Watch before the university would respond to its Freedom of Information Act request, explained that the school’s GUDMAP program (full name: GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project), with the help of area Planned Parenthood abortion providers, was “allowing babies, some of the age of viability, to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.”

Read that again, then read this:

“The HEK293 line was created in the early 1970s. Months before the University of Pittsburgh’s admissions, AnnaMaria Cardinalli, an extraordinarily perceptive and conscientious writer, detailed the damning truth about its origins at Crisis Magazine in January:

… To harvest a viable embryonic kidney … sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which would lessen the viability of the organs.

… The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.

Here’s the entire article.

There is not a level in hell severe enough for this kind of evil. These people, and the things they do, must continue to be exposed. I apologize for even posting this, but if enough people learn the truth, perhaps these butchers and monsters will be held accountable and this barbarism will stop.

About Hammers Thor

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Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

Please don’t apologize for posting this. Thank you for doing it. The butchers and monsters WILL be held accountable. If not here for us to see, by our …well, authorities…they WILL be when they leave here. Their torment will equal that of EVERY transgression against these children, and anything else they deserve. No one escapes the balancing.

War Profit
War Profit
3 years ago

They are systematically destroying every facet of society. Lucifer is their commander, he is the prince of our world, for a time. His wrath and his season is upon us. Christ came to warn us about this synagogue of satan.
Cunning and deceit, satan, lucifer is the father of all lies. They hid in the darkness for centuries, but now the veil has been pulled back for those with eyes to see.
Pray for discernment, that God may guide you through the coming days, granting wisdom and understanding. The governments of this world have been captured and are now implementing satans plan to destroy Gods seed on earth, mankind, and replace it with hybrid beings.
Accept Jesus Christ, as your Lord and savior. Repent of the sins in your life, and ask the Holy Spirit to enter into your temple, which is your body.

3 years ago
Reply to  War Profit

War profit, you just gave me goosebumps reading that one. I am reading other comments thinking,
“i am a scumbag, i paid for abortions when i was a teenager, we were only 16yo and in high school” i had no clue the evil involved at that time, nor would i have probably cared much at that time. I was a totally different person!
I feel like maybe this is why i rarely hear the Holy spirit speaking to me… I will try this prayer also.
Trying all of them i can…
I was/am not a bad person btw, i was going through older sibling dying and drugged my body to ease the pain. Now i am blessed with 4 kids and can’t imagine a life without them. They probably saved my life honestly, NOW IT’S MY TURN🙋‍♂️
Thanks for that post🙏💪🇺🇲

3 years ago

Truly, it is only by the Hand of the Almighty God that our country and even the world can be saved. The very first thing that we can do is to pray and repent and seek His intervention and aid. Abortion is murder. It’s murder of our most vulnerable of people. At the least, did we not speak against it? Did we not write and urge lawmakers to listen to the will of the people? I’ve known a lot of mothers who took their daughters to have their own grandchildren murdered. My own grandmother took her daughter to a doctor who was willing to kill me before abortion was legalized. Thankfully, my brave mother screamed at the doctor that she would go to the police and tell them what he did and where he was if he did the deed. I’m so glad that I have had the chance to live! I’m glad I’ve lived in a time when abortion disgusted the average human mind and it was very illegal. God can forgive, but first we need to pray. Second, we need every family, as many as possible, to start making sure they take time to have strong families who love and care for each other and do teach moral examples to each other. Thirdly, we can never give up. We must not let discouragement, anger, nor fear overtake us. God can set up or take down kingdoms. He can turn elections (a fact that has puzzled so many past cheaters). He can use the Donald Trumps for our good. But we do have to sincerely ask Him. Godspeed to you all in this current fight between good and evil!

3 years ago
Reply to  BalancedRock

Amen! Godspeed patriots

3 years ago

I’m at a loss for words as I’m SHOCKED at reading this. So, thank you for posting this. Printing this out to drop off at the pharmacy that is administering this particular ‘clotshot’ on those unsuspecting sheep.

3 years ago

When it can’t get any worse, it does.
Please, Lord Jesus, come.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Copies of this article should be provided to the local CVS, Walgreens and Walmart pharmacies who are giving the injections. In as much, as the leadership of these companies are in on the globalist / Kabbalist eugenics plan by providing copies of the article to the local pharmacist might make them realize how evil the clot short actually is
Also, sending copies of the article to the senior leadership of all of the companies that are requiring their employees to take the clot shot may be helpful.
Who is John Galt?

Mark Harrison
Mark Harrison
3 years ago

Thank you for having the balls to show and tell the truth. Truth hurts, but it must be in the front, truth is only in Yeshua. I hope that these slaughtering fools get slaughtered themselves except worse! If we don’t, may our YHWH do it!!

3 years ago

I came across this video yesterday. Not specifically related to this subject but would inform folks well enough to question the Kung flu, the jabs, etc.

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
3 years ago

I am loath to express my thoughts. Science is not exact. It takes time to develop new break thru medical protocols. How many children were the subject of viva-section before they got there protocol right?

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

Remember this: Any government that defends the so-called “right” to murder innocent children, either in or out of the womb, will have absolutely no problem at all murdering YOU; at anyplace, at anytime, for any reason.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

If there is any question of what a wicked evil world we have created for ourselves, this is more proof evil is in charge.
We have retreated to the levels of barbarians, and not barbarians for survival, barbarians for profit.

3 years ago

This makes me sick to my stomach just reading this is something that needs to be removed from our earth.

3 years ago

There are no words in Entish, Elvish, or the tongues of men sufficient to describe this horror. But this is a natural outgrowth of viewing a living baby as a “thing” or a “clump of cells” and not human.

abortion comparison.png
3 years ago

Thanks for this post and the links.
Anyone finding the name of the cell line informative… “HEK293”
Does that mean there were at least 292 others?

Hammer's Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  MaybeObvious

Unfortunately it’s many more than that. From the article link cited above:
“What we may not know follows. The most prominent cell line, called HEK 293, comes from an abortion performed in the 1970’s. It’s labeled 293 because that’s how many experimental attempts the researchers needed to get a working cell line. Therefore, though the abortion-to-experiment ratio is not precisely one-to-one, hundreds of abortions went into the project, even if they didn’t result in the working line. “

3 years ago

Still at work and trying to not cry, or throw up.


[…] ← Exclusive: Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story Stand Up → […]

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago

Nuremburg Trials 2.0 can’t come soon enough for me.

Debbie Johnson
Debbie Johnson
3 years ago

So it appears Roe vs. Wade passed in 1973 was not about women’s rights but about organ harvesting. I believe today most operations and procedures are recorded. So that’s one giant snuff film.
I believe we are past scorched earth………….