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I have always had the suspicion that Alex Jones is controlled opposition -- that suspicion is strengthened by the fact he hasn’t been whacked and because in recent years he has become so hyperventilated that I can hardly bear to watch any of his videos anymore -- sorry to those AJ fans out there, but that’s my view.
The only reason the deep state would want this particular AJ message to go out is to try to ensure that Trump doesn’t change his position on the Covid Vaccine -- so they can follow through trying to make him the fall guy. These are moves and countermoves. I still believe there are reasons for Trump’s stance on the vaccine and those will come out in due course.
For those inclined to personal attacks based on my opinion on the matter -- I would challenge you to examine your ‘preps’ and confirm whether or not you are preparing to take in any of the thousands of pure-blooded orphans that will be left in this world. Those kids’ parents took the jabs in order to keep a roof over their heads and food in their kids mouths -- but protected their children from the jab. If your answer to that question is ‘NO’, then frankly I don’t care what your opinion is of my continued support for Trump. You have to do what you have to do -- as God guides you to do. I will continue following my path.
Mary, relax. You are in good company. There are many others just like you that cannot get past the thinking that Trump is still fighting the good fight for you. Still believing that he picked all those banksters and CFR members to his cabinet to keep his enemies closer to him than friends. That he is so smart he is playing 5D chess, even with Pfizer & Moderna.
It’s called Cognitive Dissonance.
Haha. Yep.
How can you be the fall guy when you claim you are the father of it? Seriously, he had all the information about it. Still to this day he is pushing it. What will it take for you to realize he was in on it from the beginning? I do ask that with all sincerity.
And I asked in all sincerity -- what role do you plan to play in the lives of 10s of 1000s of natural born American pure-blood children who will be orphaned over the next 5 years. Leave them to be raised by “the state” or step in to raise them as the next generation with the ability to think and discern and with a knowledge of genuine history?
How many children have you adopted in your life? I have adopted one and would be willing to adopt more if asked.
Forgot, you have still not answered my questions.
It was your decision to adopt a child, don’t complain about it!
How did I complain?
This is a sidestep to the question on Trump. You are not answering the question Thomas asked you. Your concern is real but, it is a complete sidebar to the question on Trump.
The question of what Trump is or is not doing cannot be answered with the information available -- hence I have not ‘made up’ a narrative to attempt to fill that void.
I have raise 2 children that are not my own blood -- which is also an irrelevancy. I have prepared for the day when my community will need to take in the orphans. Any discussion of Trump is hardly even a sidebar to the question of what WE are ALL going to do about the Covid generation of pure blood orphans -- and WE should ALL be actively preparing for the day and seeking to look after these future orphans -- without waiting to be ‘asked’.
You started the thread and made the statement I quoted. You then went into a subject of orphans left after their parents die from the clot shot. Which in itself makes Trump’s role in all this even more onerous. You never answered the question of why you thought Trump has some special reasoning on why he calls himself the father of the vaccine and he continues to double down on how great it is. Since you cannot or will not directly answer the question you are ‘hoping’ he comes up with a good reason and actually do not have a cogent response. That’s fine, but you should at least own it.
Mary..Answer his question directly. Your virtue demand as a response has nothing to do with the direct question. In fact, it indicates you have no answer and are hiding that uncomfortable reality from yourself. . Why is Trump still claiming ownership of vaccination program as a success?
You are wrong.
That is nice you “feel” that way, can you explain why I am wrong?
Scroll down and read my posts below. I think three of them, the first two important. One with a link everyone should set aside the time for, and share widely. It is THAT important.
The other, a breakdown on Trump’s stance on the vaccines, which lines up with what I and others figured out early on.
You and others are badgering this woman Mary for no other reason but that she sees things differently.
I’m repeating myself here, but my message is sound.
We fight spirits and principalities, until we know who our enemy is, we cannot destroy that which is destroying us. Problem we’ve had for so many generations is believing governments, military or men can solve this. When you come to finally believe our problem is a spiritual one we will never be at peace here. Return to Christ/God our creator, repent of your sins for your redemption draws near.
If Trump knows something the rest of us don’t, then he should come forward with the proof. If it’s just bullheaded vanity, then Fauci was his man because they would be from the same cloth.
He is just playing his part. It is time for everyone to understand it.
Yes, and even as some others have said, I have some very good conservative friends that still think Trump is the real thing.
Real or Reality TV? I say Reality TV.
Because YOU say it, it SHALL be done?? You don’t walk in the shoes of the world’s leader. Yes. One of the first things he did was go across the globe, speaking to world leaders. Probably letting them know the truths that would make you frightened to death. Most if not all, are in lock-step, a part of the plan set out years ago, after President Kennedy was assassinated. Yes, it took this long, and to find someone that could fight the war of Godly against Satan, good versus evil. It is a process, and us humans DO have a role. But it isn’t eating each other alive.
Trump isn’t a perfect person, vanity, orange man bad, whatever. But you best better believe, the time is here, and everyone needs to wake up. Even many that think they are.
The evidence is conclusive. The so-called vaccines kill and maim. That is a proven fact; that is the truth. Alex spoke the truth. No one who knows the truth should, for whatever reasons, attempt to deny it. That is immoral. Trump knows the truth; he knows the facts.
Yea 5d chess, trust the plan, BS, trump has the information and if still pushing the kill shot, IS GUILTY OF MURDER.
Tom, you are correct. Anyone who knows the truth and the proven facts concerning the so-called vaccines and yet constantly denies it, is an accessory to high crimes against humanity that include murder.
I haven’t seen anyone here denying the horrific damages and deaths from the vaccines. Who are you talking about?
Friend, I’m over it. Next issue.
You are wrong also. No, he is not pushing the shot. Did, but has stopped. Listen to his every word Saturday when he will be in Pa.
You guys are no different than the fake media. Someone starts a lie on MSM and every station says the same thing, like a bunch of sick robots.
But continue on, you still have that right to do so.
Trumpism, you seem to have a bad case of it.
Discern: It takes many actors, on “both sides” to sow the discord required for the order to secure itself in the daily lexicon that drives the wedges between the plebes/sheep as they sit back and watch. We choose sides- the sides THEY have assigned and defined…why is it so few can see this?
Whatever uncertainties there may be regarding Trump, Jones, and the Jab… some things can be known with certainty:
The jabs don’t kill everyone that takes them (so far), but they *absolutely* do not do *any* of the things they were purported to do, and that evidence is irrefutable.
The jabs have done *serious* and often *permanent* damage to the health of many, if not most, recipients, and the mechanisms of this damage are clear and easily understood, and are widely articulated by large numbers of virologist, and biologists, and this has been true for well over a year. One of these mechanisms: The spike protein uses the same path to infect cells that a foetus uses to implant the womb. Attacking this mechanism is attacking fertility. There are many more examples. These can be understood. You don’t have to take the word of “experts”, just listen to what they are saying, and try to understand it. Research it.
The first point above is not openly admitted to by *all* “officials” involved. The second is almost there, and becoming undeniable by sheer statistics as athletes and children drop dead.
This information is as available to Trump as it is to Jones. Jones has now rubbed Trump’s nose in it so hard that he cannot say he didn’t know.
Trump has doubled down. He supports the jabs, offers no counter arguments to the above two points, and says he does not want to hear any more about it. He’s not interested in debate, reason, logic, or facts in the matter.
Unless I’ve made a mistake above, I don’t see how anyone in a pursuit of truth can reach a different conclusion that the one Jones has now reached.
correction: “The first point above is NOW openly admitted to by *all* “officials” involved. “
For all of you that keep saying Trump is still pushing vaccines, you are dead wrong. It’s clear you don’t keep up with him, nor listen to him at his rallies. In Alaska, someone in the crowd yelled out, ‘Why are you STILL pushing the vax?’ Or something similar. He said he would explain it soon. SOON. Take it however you want. But someone post the last time he pushed vaccines, please. For whatever reason or reasons he did stop, but not even the man you worship, AJ, knows this??? Why not??? Me thinks he has an agenda, playing both sides. Wake the heck up!
DJT does NOT need a loud mouth, trouble-making person to speak for him. You know AJ has been extremely disrespectful, knowing he doesn’t have the facts.
Educate yourselves and share the information in this video. Things are far different from what back seat players understand. It isn’t always so frigging simple. This is the first of possibly a couple more interviews of what he dealt with. Listen to it till the end.
How many here are aware of what is meant, that we are fighting a war of Good versus Evil?? Who in the heck do you imagine are the evil ones?? Ya better wake up, and real dammed quick!
Tramp needs to go away, he had his chance and sold us out.
The Longtime Coming plan of the Deep State, cabal, cult, bloodline families, etc. DS End Game.
After Obama, there were multiple DS plans in phases.
Plan A. (thwarted) -- newly selected president Killary would finish the NWO agenda with a 9/11-sized false flag to start WW3 with Russia (Putin). Simultaneously roll out the global convid pandemic with years of lockdown & a mandatory vaq for every country. This was killed by President Trump & the Earth Alliance.
Plan B. The DS would release convid with Trump still in office regardless. Fraudci announced this in 2017.
Plan C. The Alliance releases the vaq early, before the DS operation warp speed-by releasing it early. All DS convid assets were NOT ready, super-rushed, fumbling clown-show, and exposing deceit, censorship, gaslighting-as critical thinkers, truthers & general public will SEE through their agenda.
Plan D. Total global chaos. The DS is completely frustrated, upset & desperate at the People’s Great Awakening, and hearing all their plans being thwarted by the Alliance.
So, like a spoiled mean child, not getting what they want -- the child is kicking and screaming as much possible. This is the mockingbird media gas lighting, supply crisis, hyperinflation, fear porn, false flags & distractions. This is the current stage we are in now.
The Alliance knew of their coming bio-weapons, depopulation agenda long ago & used it as another sting operation, just like the election fraud.
The DS’s plan was to lock down the world on 2020 for three years, which would have killed the global economy, kill all small businesses, break people’s spirits, mashed up in massive fear & turn this world into one big NWO rule.
All Earth Humans would get monthly survival stipends (the not-so-great-reset- You will own nothing and be happy.
By 2024-2025, an official FDA -- approved vaq would be released & it would be mandatory for every human being on Earth to take it. The entire world would be destroyed & the satanic cult could do anything they want at this point. That’s the END GAME of mankind -- billions would die.
The Alliance and Trump made the hardest decision -- to release a vaq in record time (Operation Warp Speed) to foil their plans.
By releasing the vaq early, it must be under the Emergency Act so that it CANNOT be mandatory.
Trump released the vaq in December 2020 right before he left office -rushed, unfinished, with ZERO effectiveness & authorized for Emergency Use only -distributed by the military Alliance (placebo shots).
The same group that now push for pedo joe’s mandatory vaq all spoke out against Trump’s vaq in the beginning.
By forcing the DS to push their campaign early, they did not have their assets ready. This exposed them them and awakened millions of people.[
I never liked his TV show; but when he jumped ship to run for the office, I supported him because he said what many of us spoke among our own. There were only two candidates among the many that were viable besides him; and they never had a chance. I voted for him twice -- the first because I was optimistic -- the second because lessor of two evils. We were snookered both times and have been for decades. There is no saving grace from man -- only God. We are on our own here on out.
And another thing: Everyone at his rallies has a target on their back. Same as 1/6 and Tea Party. Facial recognition is the thing now. Notice Antifa is full uniform and ninja. They have and openly carry the very AR’s the government wants to take from us. They are the black shirt mercs. And how many among them are alphabets? The government is actively hoping to goad us into a response. So far, they are losing. We must let them kick and we will receive.
There is one man with the ability to take on the powers that be. One. If you haven’t figured out there is only one man who can do that effectively, there is probably no likelihood you are going to figure it out. Go ahead, get up on your high horse and pick someone else. Give the Democrats the victory. At least you’ll be “right”. People need to see the big picture here.
Dear all at NCR. I would like to post this video link here. I am not saying it is absolute truth, nor totally false. But definfinitly, a very big “hmmmmm!” Being a 4 yr ex vet., I need the thoughts of other vets, short or retired from to chime in (I was thisssss close to extending 4 or more yrs to go from “R” brancher to “M” branch).
I found something worth the watch. It’s a long one, reason why, Disclaimer: if this guy could keep his emotions in check. In between good points, there is lots of “fill.” In fact, jump to about the 10 min mark and start. He’s just pissed off in his own way!
I am going to watch a few more times and pause, take notes and re-verify. So far, I can’t come up with counter points.
In short, I did a very long “hmmmm!”
The military has been compromised, this happened under the sodomites presidency obama, he replaced all the military brass. I am a vet, joined in 1968, my advice is get out of service and join us.
There are still many good men and women in the services. It’s also possible they will be brought back with back pay. Things are moving fast. Pray.
He’s correct about Trump.
Derek Johnson. I saw him speaking, or giving a good hard rant, a couple of days ago. He has a second video out now, and calmer.
I watched the video. Had to find it on yootube because the rumble format took too much time buffering. Derek is by far the most lucid and thorough of all the people I’ve heard talking about stuff like this over the last couple of years. He covers events, timelines and laws and regs with considerable clarity. If he’s right, what we’re (barely) seeing play out in shades and shadows is the reinstatement of The Constitution of The United States. And, its being done covertly by the military and DJT and others. And it means that this will be a long affair, as clearly the left isn’t going to dry up and blow away and let righteous and freedom loving people just “have their collective way”. Its an interesting proposition and its a puzzle as to why these “right” forces haven’t summoned the assistance and support of real America. Hopefully Mike Adams doesn’t get ahold of the video and with his manic enthusiasm destroy every shred of credibility for Derek Johnson, the creator of the video. Clearly Derek Johnson is pretty sharp. It makes me wonder if this attempt at restoring the Republic of The United States is not the fatal wound that the antichrist will heal (which means the restoration will fail) in fulfillment of Biblical prophesy. He also asserts that the “inauguration” that O’biden received was actually a military grade funeral, which is hilarious.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator…
Man, I have seen it all over social media. Say a word about Trump and the MAGAites will be on you like flies on dog crap.
These people will follow Trump to the Gates of Hell if that is where he leads them.
Thanks, that was actually funny! Read this thread top to bottom and see how many people are haters, oozing with it with fake smiles on their faces.
No, he isn’t worshiped, but respected. Like a lady above stated, there is only one man that can fix this. You can get angry, but he was anointed by God to be at the right place at the right time. He was asked many years ago to run, but backed away, never wanting to run. Even in 2016. But he saw what was happening to our country, and sacrificed a good life. He’s not done, either.
And no, we are going through the holy gates, whether it is soon or a thousand years. I’m ready for either.
no ‘man’ can fix this!
Or are we confused as to what fixing this looks like?
Thank you for your rendering of the situation. That fills in some information gaps for me and supports what my ‘gut’ together with my brain, tells me is the truth about Trump and the current situation. You are so right about being able to discern the ‘haters’. I also agree strongly that there is a Trump-shaped puzzle piece that is the only viable way through, per Evangeline’s post.
Be that as it may, at high levels. This war between good and evil is being, and will be be fought and won, on many levels and many of the warriors will not be military or politicians. Those warriors will be the moms and dads fighting at school boards, they will be the trained poll watchers pursuing clean elections, they will be the activists organising lawsuits against anti-American activities, laws, regulations and rules put forward by evil-inspired executive agencies and officials, they will be the anons, content creators and truth tellers that preserve history as it is made -- AND they will be the grass-roots folks that do all manner of foiling of evil that work to help close the wounds and heal the scars created by evil. They will be the good folks counteracting and frustrating the effects of evil actions taken.
One of those evil- foiling activities will be a wide-spread commitment at grass-roots level to take responsibility for the generation of pure-blooded orphans and raise them to love good and fight against evil -- and enable those young people to discern the difference between good and evil.
And what oracle are you consulting?
That is exactly where he is leading, great post Elder Son.
Here is my view of the situation. Trump has a phobia of which he is open about for decades. That phobia is germs. Some of Trump’s actions follow from that phobia -- like applying germ-killing gel to his hands after shaking hands with folks, etc. If you hand him a golf club, he does not feel comfortable handling it without disinfecting it. Not a rare phobia. Given that trait, the Deep State ( CIA / FBI and others) decided to use it to manipulate him psychologically.
They understood that his germ phobia would have him follow “medical experts” advice readily -- even into wrong and publicly harmful decisions. He would ignore his own and others common sense advice and lean toward the medical “clean solution” to salve his phobia.
Thus the newly released COVID virus actually scared him into listening to Deep State’s Fauci and Brix’s advice in earnest. The COVID scare news cycle just added to his fear. Those two ( Fauci and Brix) were part of the anti-Trump group recruited to subvert him. The lock downs hurt his electability and came at the right time: Economy goes down, people are angry,etc.
If things were to go wrong with the vaccine program (and anti-Trumpers knew it would), they would simply blame Trump and walk away from the harmful effects of lock downs, masks, and vaccines, they themselves advised Trump to enact.
The oddity was that even though the plan did hurt Trump prior to the election, they discovered he was STILL going to win so they simply amped up their election fraud practices in the key battleground states.
Now why does Trump STILL back vaccines and trumpets his involvement in it? Simple -- Pride. Something of which he has in spades and will be his downfall eventually.
Truth is always true, in it, there is no time or space. Don’t let truth depend on other things, such as arrogance, sober via, or vanity.
I always stop to think- you have non medically educated people calling lots of “shots” here. It would be super easy to gloss over the facts and real figures in order to accomplish your goals. Non medically educated people would be quick to defer to the medical advice they are given.
Big problem is why so many non medical people calling the “shots”? Governors, Presidents, Mayors, etc. That is grossly unfair to Americans. It’s simply not our best.
To Trump- depends on who briefed him and where the information shared with him came from. I’m betting there is a big story there but I won’t be able to promote the idea that Trump knew something was not right.
Then you got to listen to your gut. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out.