Explosion at US-Canada border caused by reckless driver-sources

An explosion at on Wednesday at the Rainbow Bridge connecting the United States and Canada at Niagara Falls on Wednesday was likely caused by a reckless driver, according to early assessments, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.




  1. Explosion at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between New York and Canada.
  2. Explosives were in the vehicle
  3. Fox reports this as a terrorist attack
  4. Four Western New York border crossings closed
  5. Two dead
  6. The driver and passenger were killed
  7. Nevermind. Nothing to see here

This is why we wait and evaluate information to make actionable intelligence. Intelligence drives the battlefield.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

Expecting intelligence from any government agency is like expecting milk from the teets of a bullfrog.

1 year ago

Yeah, I really believe this story.
Even if this were true you all have been screwing around with us all for so long we will never ever belief “a simple” story -- you all are notified as of now the most neferious story is what we will believe from now on -- ELITE, EXTREME LEFTIST WING WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP TO SO GET READY FOR YOUR DEMISE, FOR THE TOTAL COLLAPSE OF YOUR INSANE NARRATIVES YOU ARE THROUGH, YOU ALL ARE DONE FOR REMEMBER THE SENTENCE FOR TREASON IS DEATH! I LOOK FORWARD TO THOSE DAYS -- THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU IT WILL TAKE DAYS EVEN WITH MASSIVE GROUP HANGINGS!

1 year ago

should we believe this. Fox boo boo
Update (1615ET):  Reuters is now reporting that Wednesday’s explosion at the Canada-US border checkpoint at Niagra Falls was likely caused by a reckless driver and not terrorism. Fox News has also walked back a report stating that the car had explosives.

1 year ago

Looks like the Feds will have to put away their new “Patriot Act” for awhile. You know they must have at least one more ready to go.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

no need for a new “PA III” delusional one in the people’s house is happily invoking the “War Powers Act.”

Last edited 1 year ago by kal kal
1 year ago

More gaslighting from the MSM Fake News!

1 year ago

“Fox News: Two men in a stolen car, attempting to evade U.S. border patrol, sped across the median, launching their vehicle airborne and causing a large explosion upon landing. Bomb tech officials, noting the unusual size of the explosion for a small car, were investigating the incident as a potential terrorist attack.
No explosives have been found and officials are changing their stance about this being a possible terrorist attack.”
video of speeding car going airborne:

1 year ago
Reply to  anon2

I don’t believe the switch in the story.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

sure, that’s valid skepticism.
that’s why I referred to the video above,
where you can see the car speeding on the US side, & taking off when it hits the median barrier…

Terry Clinch
Terry Clinch
1 year ago

Here’s what I’ve been thinking over the course of all this. Wouldn’t that be some shit if these dudes stole a car from a casino that was loaded with explosives? Bwahhah. Course we’re never gonna hear the truth. Spin docs already at it.

Terry Clinch
Terry Clinch
1 year ago

Afterthought … Isn’t the hydrodam somewhere in that vicinity? Supplying electricity to how many?

1 year ago

And this just in….train derailment in Kentucky. Governor declares state of emergency because of chemical spill. Another one? What’s going on?

Skyler the Weird
Skyler the Weird
1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

I dunno we’ve had all these infrastructure bills to fix the bridges and the rails under Biden and Obama. Everything should be in tip top shape right?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Everyone seems to jump to conclusions, paranoia strikes deep. i live in a world where things do happen. Many seem to be jumping at shadows, leaping to conclusions, shows how evil has made inroads into our psyche.
Do we have Trust and Faith where it belongs? Answer for your selves.
In the world not of the world.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Apparently the driver of the $300,000 Bentley went to see a KISS concert in Ottawa. It was cancelled. On his way back to the US, the ‘shrooms kicked in and he thought he was flying an airplane!

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago

the media is screaming “please get scared, terrorism, terrorism, blah blah yada yada”