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Pedo Joe, aka Xao BuyDem, has dared patriots and will soon find out how tough we patriots are.
Threatening your fellow citizens because they disagree with you is a sure fire way to start the festivities…
I think at this point he could drop a nuke on a city or drone citizens domestically and people would still threaten to threaten to do something (maybe write strongly worded emails to their “representatives”).
When we finally learn how to fly the F-15!
I got a good deal on a used F-14 Tomcat, came with 4 bombs and 6 sidewinders. Needs paint and brakes but price too good to pass up.
That’s a rare collector’s item, all F-14s outside of Persia were shredded in 2007. ‘Specially the “Bombcat” package.
KBB on that is probably upwards of $70 mil, so good score!
My take on the comment of needing F-15s and Nukes wasn’t that they intend to use them to crush those who relay on the 2nd Amendment to insure their freedom, but that is what would be needed to take on the US Military and overthrow the US government and rule the country.
They would rely on Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement and SWAT teams to enforce their laws and deal with anyone who doesn’t comply.
In the case of one or several states saying F-U to the FED GOV, the Federal forces sent and army and employed artillery to fight the rebels in the secessionist states in the 1860’s, I don’t see why they would have a problem with sending combat troops and armor and self-propelled artillery and helicopter and drones to take out threats and establish control.
The North didn’t have to station troops on every corner in the South, they just had to use a large mass of men, lots of ammo and lots of violence for about 4 years then establish Reconstruction.
Anyone who wants to leave and wishes to be left alone better be taking a long hard look at logistics and figure out a way to employ asymmetrical (4th and 5th gen) warfare that will be more effective than the methods employed by the Southern secessionists if they don’t want to get beaten down and receive the Marxist treatment of their defeated enemies.
The trouble is a handful of of competent hard heads could and I’d bet would have a fun little roadtrip breaking unguarded delicate and irreplaceable infrastructure. All of a sudden those troops are going to be busy protecting the powers that be from their own hungry thirsty pissed off and very prone to blaming and rioting constituents… Why fight these asshats when a nudge of their supporters will break them?
Always keep in mind iraq was about the size and population of california alone (military was at a high point equipment and personel wise) so hows that occupation of most of the continental fusa going play out.
More importantly: how many “nukes” were used on Iraq?
How many “nukes” were used on Afghanistan (by either “nuclear power” that tried to subdue them)?
How many “nukes” were used on Vietnam?
How many “nukes” were used on North Korea?
Even though they were all set-piece, ideal scenarios for their use?
“Nukes” are hilarious, pathetic, worthless nothings. If any of the above adversaries had been concerned with getting “nuked,” they would not have fought.
So stop listening to a demented pedophile and realize that a man, with a rifle, on ground he knows, with a reason to fight, has won every single foreign (mis)adventure “U.S” forces have engaged in for the past 70 years.
Or, put yet another way, if rifles were no threat, why are the FOGs (Foreign Occupying Governments, US Inc. and USA Inc.) so thirsty to take them away?
Laugh at the sad, demented pedophile’s clumsy attempts to demoralize you.
I guess you never read about the actual occupation. The Northern Aggressor Generals would simply threaten reprisals on the civilians if anyone attacked them. Look up the bloody occupation of New Orleans.
Pretty sure that’s a Russian fighter jet on the trailer picture. Looks like a MiG29. I’d take one of those too.
The significance of Biden’s comment is simply that the (zionist, occupation) ‘government’ is fully committed to using the Military against the People. What this means is that when the First Bomb Falls, Any and Every .gov ’employee’ Military or Civilian, becomes a Valid Target for reprisal.
Since this is the very definition of (un)Civil War, their Families are Valid Targets also….
I don’t think that the (((commies))) who plan for ‘civil war’ to front their Overt Takeover of the Nation have thought that through; sure, the ones like Gates, Fauci, Bezos, the rest of the (((banksters))) are relatively ‘safe’ in their Guarded Mansions, but the thugpigs they are depending on to carry out their plans are Not.
How Many thugpigs and .Mil ‘Trigger Pullers’ are going to show up for Work after their Houses are Burned, and their Family Members’ Heads are Mounted on rusty rebar stuck in their front yards?
As for “Infrastructure Attacks”, None of the Urban Areas (Blue Hives) can Survive more than a Week without Electricity; once more than 3 or 5 Major Cities are Lit only by Flames, the entire resources of the .Mil will be Unable to Maintain Order, and the ‘government’ will Collapse, simply by becoming Irrelevant.