Everyone must wear face masks indoors in Durham, according to a new state of emergency from county and city officials.
The new state of emergency will go into effect on Monday at 5 p.m.
Face masks will be required in any indoor public place, businesses or establishment, even for people who have been vaccinated.
The consequences of having our 2016 gubernatorial election stolen by Cooper and repeated in 2020.
David DeGerolamo
If 100 people get tested and 20 of them test positive (a CASE!); how many will cases will there be if 1000 people get tested?
If you answered 200, you are correct, sir!
Where I live, people are lined up to get tested.
Why? Because they are told that CASES! are surging.
Tell people cases are surging; then sit back and watch CASES! surge.
Bravo for the lamb video sir! That is the population to a “T”.
Look into Patrick King, (from Alberta Ca.) if you’re hit with a fine, fight the fine with the exact same method,
Make these worthless pos’s show their evidence, of what you will find, there simply is NON. So this is clear, there has never been a clean isolated sample produced, via Koch Postulate. As in real science.
Our “Friendly” payless (Kroger) store has immediately jumped on the bandwagon “strongly” urging masks for all to be worn while shopping, as per the gods of the CDC advisors.
Why is anyone still shopping at Kroger? Walmart? Target? can’t find what you need any place else? or, do without? The only thing the places deserve is a line of moons! (think Braveheart)