Absolutely one to keep !
I will print it and tape it to my refrigerator.
Now if a musician would just write a tune, this would go viral, or postal (as Libtards see it).
a follower, working on it.
7 months ago
Government has become arrogant and full of self. They cannot and will not control themselves. They serve themselves not the people, no i am not one of their sheeple.
That was great; and I must say, it certainly did make my day.
Some folks have a knack for words that parody those evil turds.
I for one will face with glee the day that they come after me.
And mark my words, though I may die, I’ll blow their ass up to the sky.
7 months ago
On my way to the F-15 store
To option out my tricked-out whore
Throw in lots of Avgas too
And I will make your dreams come true.
Absolutely one to keep !
I will print it and tape it to my refrigerator.
Now if a musician would just write a tune, this would go viral, or postal (as Libtards see it).
Government has become arrogant and full of self. They cannot and will not control themselves. They serve themselves not the people, no i am not one of their sheeple.
They can threaten me with bombs yet it is unlikely i will go after their mom’s!
Have You Done Your Part? | Bustednuckles
That was great; and I must say, it certainly did make my day.
Some folks have a knack for words that parody those evil turds.
I for one will face with glee the day that they come after me.
And mark my words, though I may die, I’ll blow their ass up to the sky.
On my way to the F-15 store
To option out my tricked-out whore
Throw in lots of Avgas too
And I will make your dreams come true.