False Flags To Be Used To Justify A Massive Ground Invasion Of Syria?

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Throughout history, governments have staged attacks on their own people in order to place the blame on their enemies.  These kinds of attacks are known as “false flags”, and they are often used to justify military action.  As I will explain below, it appears that we may have just seen a “false flag” attack in Turkey.  The Turks needed justification for bombarding the Kurds in northern Syria, and right on cue there was a “terror attack” in Ankara.  During the weeks to come, will we see more “false flag” attacks that will be used to justify a full-blown ground invasion of Syria?

If you are not familiar with this concept, the following is how Wikipedia defines a “false flag”…

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

The bomb attacks that killed 28 people in Ankara last week may have been an example of just such an attack.  It is entirely possible that the PKK or the Syrian Kurds could have been responsible for the bombing.  However, to me it seems at least as likely that the Turkish government set up this attack in order to blame the Kurds.

Turkey had already been mercilessly shelling the Kurds in northern Syria anyway, and after the bombing in Ankara there is now a lot more support inside Turkey for further military action against the Kurds.  The following comes from Reuters


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Hitler told the German people Poland had attacked them. If nothing else it shows yet again the wisdom of President Washington when he warned about entangling alliances.