Falsified Elections Have Consequences

So the question everyone is thinking is why did the people accept the false election of Joe Biden in 2020 and the strange inauguration in January 2021. Those who stood up in 2021 on January 6th were falsely imprisoned, denied their rights, tortured and had medical treatments withheld.

What was the difference? The people in Venezuela have suffered more than Americans. We accepted the lies of the media, government and military. Four years later and we have suffered but not as much as Venezuelans.

If the election is stolen again, we too can fight the evil in this country. The question is whether we will stand up for our Liberty or accept evil. Most of us have pondered this question but this is our last chance. I hope the true patriots in the military are watching Venezuela and realize what their oath to uphold the Constitution means.

David DeGerolamo

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wv citybilly
wv citybilly
7 months ago

Americans! Most of them are afraid to be called racist, for chrissake, let alone stand up for themselves against an obviously corrupt government.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
7 months ago

Why did everyone accept the false election of Joe Biden a few year ago? Answer… because we are a nation of whimps now. Drive this into your heads. Even our own GOP leaders never stood up forcefully to challenge the elections. Look at the walking RINO vagina, Vice President Pence… who rolled over like a puppy when the time came to decisively act.. Even FOX news led the way on keeping you all mollified and pacified. There was a concentrated effort on the part of all the media outlets to suppress your rage. Look at what they did to the J6 protesters--this was an outright effort to overtly crush your will to resist and protest--and to drive you underground. Now in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on President Trump--they are suppressing information, photos and videos on social media to once again manage and mollify your rage. And it works. Propaganda like this on all levels (especially religious) works. Look at what Joseph Goebbels with Germany. That guy would love to have had the scope and power of what exists today.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
7 months ago

So They announced that Joe won. Unlike in America those people declared BooMurfFugginSchitt!and then the fireworks started? Yeah,, let these cokksukkers TRY to steal another election. The sChitt hitting the fan will be smelled worldwide.And the Bilderbergers will be hunted down.

7 months ago

Seems the disarmed civilians in Venezuela have finally had enough.

SNIP In 2012, Venezuela banned private sales of firearms and ammunition with the intention of lowering crime rates. The army, police, and certain groups trusted by the government (colectivos) are exempt from the ban and can buy firearms from state-owned manufacturers.[3] In 2013 Venezuela stopped issuing new firearm licenses,[4] and in 2017, the government banned the carrying of firearms in public places.[5] The government declared that more than 15,000 firearms were confiscated in 2018. Sixty disarmament centres were created in the country and the penalty for illegal firearm possession was raised to twenty years imprisonment.[6]

According to the government, the only people who should carry guns are government agents.[7]

Sounds like of familiar, doesn’t it?

Wikipediae fails to mention the starving Venezuelans were also offered bags of groceries for turned in firearms.

But THAT would never happen in Freedom Loving America, Right?

All Socialists (Communist Lite) and Communists use the same playbook.

Coming soon to a town near you.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Michael

If only people understood and knew history as well as you and I do…. but it’s true, the system is not going to give you the education you need to over-throw it. Government needs to be taken out of the education system.

7 months ago

The so called leaders of the GOP were the worst offenders, nobody cared about the j 6 res but a few in congress. The GOP are worthless pos and need to be sent home in the next election. If you keep voting them in it’s gonna look just like Venezuela.
Vote for the alternative and it does not have to be a democrat

7 months ago
Reply to  Magrit

DemocRats are Bolsheviks, Repubs are Quislings, there are No Alternative Votes.
Vote, if Elections occur, for President Trump. Then if the Bolsheviks steal it again …. No Regrets, We did our duty as peaceful citizens. Venezuela here we come!!!
Now is the time, Si vis pacem, Para Bellum.
No More demoncrazy and No More DoJ “JustUs” !!!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  GenEarly

LOL! Yeah, you REALLY don’t have enough ammo stored up.
(I’m a big fan of Mr. Sam Gabbert, who runs the veteran and family owned business at sgammo dot com, ships most stuff in ammo can’s for you!)

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Magrit

Keep thinking your vote matters, and we’ll be in Venezuela before you know it. People like you are the problem (honestly, no offense meant). You think your vote still matters. You think you can vote your way out of this problem. We didn’t vote these @$(&%()!@ into power, you’re not going to vote them out of power. Maduro just declared himself the winner, and the press said “OK”, sound familiar? We’re going to have to fight the military in November (yes, the US military will be deployed and they will shoot at and kill American citizens, just like the Venezuelan military is doing to it’s citizens right now!)
When we get to that point, we MIGHT have a chance of getting our country back, but Leviathan still won’t go without a fight. Hint: Who’s still running China? At best a few sacrificial lambs get tossed out, but the demon will still reside within the machine. You have to burn it all down, the cancer is too far reaching and can’t be saved. But that’s what will happen. They’ll try to pacify the people by promising to fix themselves, and the stupid sheeple will clap and go along. Remember how many freedoms were lost when the Patriot Act was triumphantly declared the law of the land, supported by and voted on by the people? Ummm, yeah, that was nothing.

7 months ago

Big Boy Rules will soon be in effect. (Amnesty offer to Feral Gov employees Expires soon. Ivan Raklin ) Offer your testimony under Whistle Blower Law, or suffer the consequences of treasonous obedience to the Illegal DC COUP.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago

Interesting times, eh?!
I have hope and faith. I haven’t for a long time, but I still do.
I do not see the country sticking together. It will break apart. The deep blue states are too captured, the citizens there NEED to state (can’t afford it on their own), so they will continue to support the hand that feeds them rather than bite it.
That’s the difference between the parts of our country. The red states have the attitude that they can make it on their own, the blue states have the attitude they can’t make it w/o the state. Whether it’s personal security (police state vs. pistol permits and castle doctrine), food and welfare (medicaid/snap), housing (sect 8), etc. The divide is between people that want to make it on their own, and people who don’t want to work that hard. The people that don’t want to work hard, are willing to bust our humps to feed them, so naturally there’s a wee bit of conflict.

7 months ago

I wish more folks read General George Washington’s letters during the revolution. Little things like:

Pleading with the Militias to at least stand and fire one salvo before fleeing the battle.
A wagonload of Colonial Dollars would scarcely get a wagon load of supplies, while the British with gold shillings could buy all the supplies they needed.
And how close the whole army and the rebellion was to collapse just before the MAD THROW OF THE DICE raid on the drunken German troops on Christmas.
Feet wrapped in rags, bloody and near frozen was REAL for the rebels at Valley Forge. Near starvation, NO PAY, families being dispossessed by bill collectors and so on.
The GOLD Pay chest of the Germans yearly pay was a prime target.
Even Benedict Arnold one a well-respected loyal friend of George Washington was persuaded by his wife to turncoat as this Home and family were going to be dispossessed by bill collectors for lack of payment.

Once the world sees a civil war in America only the recognized Federal Governments “Money” will have standing. Ask the Confederacy about the value of their confederate dollars during the Civil war 1.0.

And the Feds will QUICKLY change the currency to e-dollars for that reason and total control of spent US Dollars.

During the rebellion the French supplied America with well over 80% of its Black powder (Mr. DuPond Spring a memory as in current DuPont powder today) and lead, cannons, muskets (French Charleville) AND Training (General Lafayette we are here sparking a memory?) so the rebellious militias would be forged into an Army able to face Cornwallis and such.

The French used us as a Proxy War to weaken England.

Some say the French Funding of our little rebellion triggered the French Revolution and Madam Guillotines works.

Who’s going to sponsor Civil War 2.0? And what will be their fees?