Family Drag Show Turns Into INSANE Sex Performance In Shocking News Story

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

Start shooting these perverts until none remain.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

exactly what I was gonna post.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

and let God sort them out.

2 years ago

Modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. I cannot grasp what is going through the parents’ heads that think this is okay.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thistlesmom

There fools, The fool, in his or her own heart hath said there is no God.

2 years ago

“Family drag show…”

2 years ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

oxymoronic is it not?

Tragedy of the Commons

I live in the Asheville NC area. For years there was an adult nite club
on Leicester Hwy. When I would pass by it on my way to work in the
evening, it would be packed. Understand this was the traditional Asheville.
Then the liberals started their invasion, why I’ll never know. They
schemed and attacked the adult nite club until they closed it down.
While on Patton Ave., close to downtown near Jan Davis Tires, there
are two drag clubs. As far as I know they are still functioning though
I don’t go downtown anymore. Pure disgust.

2 years ago

Whats to say that hasn’t been said….
And thats the rub.

Seems the NC Substation story is allllll gone. 🧐🧐🧐

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

I bought another 100 rds if 7.62x54r today for 75 bucks.
357 mag still 1.25 a pop, only bought 2 boxes.
I got the cure!

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

remember when taking the family to the drag show was something else entirely.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I cannot watch the video; an abomination of sick sodomites being pushed as normal. Who would allow their children to be a part of this?

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I’m not watching it either. I figured I’d read the comments.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

“For charity, for fun.” Trump and Giuliani
How many have dressed up for Halloween or dressed our children up in the opposite? You know all in fun.
How many have been through the college initiation process? You know all in fun. Greek greek greek!
How about the Navy Crossing the equator? Neptune worship?
And many of us have never given these things much more than a glance nor a second thought. Perhaps now is the time?
Deuteronomy 22:5 Deuteronomy 22:5 
“A woman does not wear that which
pertains to a man, nor does a man put on
a woman’s garment, for whoever does
this is an abomination to HWHY your
22:5-12 God’s providence extends itself to the smallest affairs, and his precepts do so, that even in them we may be in the fear of the Lord, as we are under his eye and care. Yet the tendency of these laws, which seem little, is such, that being found among the things of God’s law, they are to be accounted great things. If we would prove ourselves to be God’s people, we must have respect to his will and to his glory, and not to the vain fashions of the world. Even in putting on our garments, as in eating or in drinking, all must be done with a serious regard to preserve our own and others’ purity in heart and actions. Our eye should be single, our heart simple, and our behaviour all of a piece.
i know we are saved by grace, yet we see that law also has a place. The New testament also speaks of how we should dress. Have we listened?

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Don’t know if it’s off topic or a symptom, one of the local churches have been mulling the idea of leaving the organization, going independent. For the past two years or more, word of a pending -vote. The issues are adaptation and integration of worldly customs and traditions. Everyone has seen the bastardization of modern religion. From twerking to rock bands and staged rituals, clergy response teams and 501c3 corporate control. Pay to play salvation. “voting?, so… you are going to, at some point in time, vote on whether to follow doctrine or the world?” -- no, but it’s our church. -- no you are Gods church, right? So mired down by politics within its ranks that the true essence of it’s existence has been lost. Assembly, baptist, catholic, evangelical…..when you stand before the White Throne, you do it alone. (Prone in your own tears and shame). This could apply to our political world as well, do you really care about titles and sides? Red vs blue? Or do you care about feeding and protecting your family. About health and happiness? Both sides are taking our prosperity and freedoms. They tell you who your choices are, who you get to vote for. On the Jones Plantation you get to choose your own -Cracker-. Now sit down and roll up your sleeve this will all be over soon. These institutions are failing us because we are failing them.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

The church i was attending for a short while was an “independent.”
Yet the rock band moved in,(for the children) while many elderly left! also bought their supplies and agenda driven ideas for the yearly Bible school classes from the same group many churches go to spend money. So many of them are on the same schedule as to when to give certain sermons etc. i could not help but to see the strange patterns, and the political cliché within.
How are you independent when you still follow the false notions and traditions of the world?
One member i remember Him saying how the church was a business. No one seems to bat an eye at such craziness. Is it supposed to be a business?

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

I would say without a doubt Yes, this is a business. Big business, huge. It’s like putting on a play and a concert at the same time. Fog, lasers, screens, Floyd concert or church? Follow the money, a Yamaha cl5 or a soup kitchen? Some churches will spend tens of thousands of dollars on the seasons pageantry and festivities while members of the congregation go to bed hungry and cold. Excuse the language but this really pisses me off. Brothers and sisters going to bed hungry and cold?! Season of giving?! I heard tell of this ole boy that got wind of this once way back. He burst into a church flip’n tables and swinging a whip. Screaming something about “Not In My Fathers House!” They killed him later that week.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Righteous anger! Many do not see the connections, these churches have become money exchangers with out even realizing it. Every body gets a cut, just as in the days of old.
They pay for music,(entertainment, they pay and get paid for speaking fees, (many have set prices) They ignore people who wish to donate with anonymity, and blow the trumpets before them and themselves. They have established their price range to even consider becoming employed by a church. who donated the flowers, who did this, who did that. Look at how many donate to this or that and then look for a tax break? So many things now hit me as wrong i can barely see straight. chuckle!
Does this sound like His True church?
The world plays favorites. “Essential workers?” “Veterans?” i say this as a vet. i do not want nor need special treatment nor thanks.
At church in life etc.etc. Special parking etc. Have we not all seen the increase in preferred treatment?
When you give to the poor, don’t let anyone know about it. … But when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth.
The modern “church” always seems to know what the left and right hands are doing, and the pecking order within.

i pray that many more continue to wake up as His will is accomplished.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Lot of good folks in the pews, lot of wolves in the pulpits.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The end is upon us. Brace yourself.

2 years ago

Lord Jesus return soon!

2 years ago

Nothing new; Marxists have been using sexual deviancy for a long time to destroy western civilization.

2 years ago

So am I to believe that America’s story ends here, in a cold swamp of perverted shit? Not as long as I have the weapons and training I’ve received through my years of military combat and since the 09 inauguration. This is the dark side of the dark side people. The guerilla war begins now

2 years ago

Groomer Clowns