Farmers! Veterans! Elderly! Abused! Used! Displaced!

h/t Carolyn and Ed

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2 years ago

You are correct , without the farmers the stupid people in this nation as well as the decent people will starve to death . the same satanists who are running this con game on the American people think they are going to get away with there con, but it won’t bode well for them at some point. The clown in the White House should be the first one to go without daily meals, all he is ever done in his entire criminal career since 1972 was stealing using unbalanced scales and weights. He is a mobster like many of them are up there in DC. The question is, how do you know which farmer is hurting because many of us don’t know who is, you just don’t go onto the farmers land and bang on the front door and act like Santa, there has to be a mediator to find out which farmer and family needs help. Any answers on how to make this happen, Iam open to suggestions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil