OK this is really getting ridiculous.
Despite being the sacred keepers of the Catholic faith and trustees of the meek, the Holy See has just inked a deal with the US government putting the Pope in bed with the Internal Revenue Service.
It’s so bizarre you couldn’t possibly make this stuff up anymore.
The Vatican City has been forced into sharing information with the US.
So now, like a good little doggy, they’re obliged to cough up financial records on anyone they’ve ever had dealings with whenever Mr. Obama snaps his fingers.
I’m not sure this is what Pope Francis had in mind when he called for an end of “the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy”.
Ironically, the oft-quoted Book of Proverbs says that “[T]he borrower becomes the lender’s slave.”
And this is true in almost all cases. Except, apparently, when it pertains to the US government.
These two work in conjunction together, even though the Alien animal entity hates Christians. The man of sin working along with the false prophet, do I need say anymore. two evil entities is what the both are. And there cardinals sit there and do nothing , just like our congressman and senators sit here and do nothing, and allow the monster to break every law while enacting his own laws through edicts believing he is an emperor or king Poop. Since our leadership is continually silent on his lawlessness they are just as guilty as the entity is.
Ann Barnhardt (Catholic) did a piece full of good
info on this Pope a year or so back..
Hip Hop Pope -- Contra trained….
I believe I have read her work on this guy about one year ago, i have to dig it up and re-read it again. even though he came out of South America, he is of Italian heritage like I am, but he is a good little Fascist foot soldier like so many are in Italy. The Italians just cant seem to get the fascist Mussolini kool aid out of there blood, but on the flip of this there are many good conservative Italians who despise these folks in Italy. The Vatican is a place full of demon entities and thats why the Alien Animal entity ( Obama )gets along with the false prophet so well.