Father BEATEN by Muslim migrant Sharia patrol who told his wife & daughter how to dress’

sharia patrol

Anywhere large numbers of Muslims immigrate, so do demands for the brutal and violent sharia. It never fails. Muslims are the only immigrant group that comes to Western countries with a ready-made model of society and government (sharia) which they believe to be superior to what we have here, and they work to institute it.

Rest assured the enemedia and politcal elites will spring into action and thrash anyone who …. uses the word no-go zones.

Father attacked by migrant Sharia patrol that told his wife & daughter how to dress’ By Charlie Peat, Express, March 8, 2016:

A FATHER has been hospitalised after being attacked by a ‘Sharia patrol’ in Vienna, sparking fears that parts of the Austrian capital are becoming no-go areas, according to reports.


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Archbishop Gregori
8 years ago

I have no sympathy for any Western country that allows Muslims into their nations and then face Muslim violence.