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- GenEarly on Putin
- Michael on Will There Be Accountability?
- Michael on Will There Be Accountability?
- Michael on Putin
- DRenegade on Like I Said…
This megalomaniac is a product of this administration, we are in dire straits and headed for our own destruction. What is our choice at this point? The truth no longer matters, it amazes me how far we have fallen. Waking up every day to this reality actually blows my mind, that we subject ourselves to their dictates. Like has been said before I do not want to be the only picking up my guns and killing every last one of them. I pray every day for God to give us the courage to act.
Yes, indeed.
“The truth no longer matters” that’s exactly it, they go to great lengths to ignore actual science and truth, and only regurgitate nonsense for the sheep to process,… truth is dead at this point
“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” -george orwell
Of course an extremely disturbed, totalitarian sociopath would give voice to his admiration for one of the most genocidal, repressive, godless and evil regimes in human history.
This isn’t a COVID lockdown, it is economic warfare being waged by China, against the United States.
Think it through!
When will you virgins ever learn your Muh Patriot PsyOps 101?
And your Western Globohomo (such as Fauci) is in on it.
The Great Reset can not be built but on the ashes of our economy.
Here’s an idea …. Fauci relocate to China and assist the ccp with their issues.
filthy garbage needs a stake up his ass and out his mouth, Vlad style
this rabid animal requires ventilation as soon as possible.
If there is such a thing as Divine Retribution, Fauci will get the Mussolini treatment in the near future.