FBI arrest shows America is becoming a DARK COUNTRY

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

The problem with Glenn is has has always prided himself with being in the middle, Never really taking a hard stance. He had opportunity like all the rest to stand up and scream we need to stop this now, not matter what it takes. I have come to the conclusion that the radio talk people are controlled opposition. I use to love listening to them. I guess what broke me was when Rush told us that when it is time to worry, he would tell us. When Obama was elected and could not produce a valid birth certificate and the Supreme Court stated We had no standing in the matter, that was the time to worry. That is when the power was usurped. No one on radio stood up and screamed this is where to make a stand (yeah I know, it should have been 10 years before that). They just kept on with the same old lines. When they call treason, treason and call for the People to stand up and do their duty, then I will believe that they really care.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago