FBI arrests Obama Donor as Pakistani Agent

Actually the FBI arrested Syed Ghulam Fai for making contributions to both Republicans and Democrats.  From Politico.com:

Report: NRSC, Obama donor arrested as Pakistan agent

Fai’s largest contribution, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, was to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, to which he gave $5,000 in 2006 and $1,000 in 2008. He gave smaller sums more recently to the DSCC and the DNC, and has given $5,000 to Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.), $250 to Barack Obama and $500 Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.).

NBC broke this story but did not report any connections to the president or other individuals/parties involved. As reported here earlier, Obama’s campaign manager has already admitted to accepting illegal campaign contributions in violation of the Logan Law. As also reported here, the 2008 Obama campaign accepted illegal contributions globally by disabling credit card security checks. Will Mr. Holder bring charges against any of the people and parties involved? A republic can only stand as long as it respects the rule of law.

David DeGerolamo


FBI arrests Pakistani agent for making political contributions in US

By NBC’s Pete Williams

Law enforcement sources say the FBI has arrested an agent of Pakistan’s official state intelligence service, accusing him of making thousands of dollars in political contributions in the United States without disclosing his connections to the Pakistani government.

Syed Ghulam Fai will appear in federal court this afternoon in Alexandria, Virginia.  He’s not charged with being a spy. But he is charged with being an unregistered agent or lobbyist of the Pakistani government.

He’s the exective director of a group called the Kashmiri American Council, the sources say, and he has given tens of thousands of dollars to congressional candidates and party organizations. U.S. officials say there’s no reason to believe that members of Congress or other organizations that received his contributions were aware of his government connections.

A call to the Kashmiri American Council’s office in Washington went unanswered this morning. 

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