FDA Lied–Vax Not Approved Still Experimental

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3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Their lies will end, when they do.
No lesser solution will do, because that is exactly what they intend for us -- annihilation.
So be it,
I am ready.

Kathy Monroe
Kathy Monroe
3 years ago

Incredible on going evil…..these are the last days and the evil knows it and is in full on attack mode to deceive the masses. Don’t put your trust in man, put it in God.

3 years ago
Reply to  Christian

Right. Like the lie that the vaccine didn’t get full approval for those over 16 years of age. IT DID.
The continuing EUA was for kids aged 12 to 15.
This USAWatchdog is a clown.

But more importantly, why does it matter? Are you going to run out and get jabbed because it’s approved?
Or is it that you were making totally foolish “Nuremberg” arguments based on the EUA and assuming that it would never get full approval. Ooops, it did.
How could you not know that they would “fast track” (i.e. ram through) this approval while throwing to the wayside any considerations of efficacy or safety? Have you not been paying attention?
The whole purpose of “Covid” isn’t even the “vaccine”, the purpose is the vaccine PASSPORT. That’s the end to which this whole plannedemic charade has been the means.
The vaccine doesn’t exist for the sake of Covid; Covid had to exist for the sake of the vaccine.
Which, in turn, is for the sake of the vaccine pasport.
Now it’s “official”. The FDA has given its imprimatur. The “vaccine” is still ineffective. The “vaccine” is still dangerous. But now, the only way to address the problem is to attack the FDA’s approval and their total sidestepping of the usual protocols to ram this approval through.
The longer you keep making the “Nuremburg” arguments (which were never good arguments because you had to know it would one day get approval), and the more you refuse to accept that the thing has FULL APPROVAL; the more you’ll be taking away from efforts to address the corruption at FDA WITHIN the approval process.


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