Fear, Submission or Obedience

Boston on Lockdown

“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Ben Franklin

A “what if” that no one wants to consider. When the government puts a city or country on lockdown, what will you do?

David DeGerolamo

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11 years ago

I would like to preface this rant with this comment: The acts of terror that Dzhokar and Tamarlane committed in Boston go beyond the pale. Anyone who goes after such soft targets is truly despicable human being and deserves no mercy.

Having said that, I find both the citizenry and the state government of Massachusetts as equally despicable.

I am sure we have all seen the videos of the armored vehicles rumbling through the neighborhoods. Armored “police” officers in full battle rattle going house to house and removing people from their homes.

Warrantless searches were conducted, children thrust out in the street in their pajamas.

All the while, the sheeple gladly play along because “it’s for our safety”.

Quite frankly the people of that area of Mass. have shown that they are more than willing to roll over and allow their federal overlords to control the streets. I was physically ill to see the crowds giving high fives to the Federals.

ENOUGH is ENOUGH! By God I swear that NO man is going to forcibly remove my family from my home to search for a “suspect”. They will be met at the door and told “Thank you for your concern, but there is no one here and we are safe.”


11 years ago

You’re right -- scenarios are terrible because no scenario survives the first encounter.

Martial Law with a total curfew? As in the Federals will arrest anyone seen outside?

In that case, I would over to another Patriots house that lives close by under cover of dark and begin planning.

From there I would harass the Federals and do my best to wage a war of propaganda with them.

I would try to get my neighbors and community to stand up to such tactics.

European American
European American
11 years ago

When I see the photos of the 9000 or so militarized police insurgents running loose on mostly empty streets in Boston, I think to myself “Why is a city of over a million people believing in the propaganda?” They stay inside because they are afraid to go outside, of what might happen to them at the hands of the occupiers. This is very spooky, i.e. how fear controls so many people. If citizens of Boston are any indication of how the rest of Americans would react to similar orders, we be in big trouble.

If a total 24/7 curfew was declared, I’d seriously consider testing the curfew. I’m basically out in the rural(s) and I don’t think they have the man power to keep people off the back roads. I’d carefully perform some reconnaissance on my Mt Bike and see who and what is out there. Whether the internet and phone systems are up and running would certainly play a role in my activities beyond my home. I originally got my small arsenal for strictly defensive measures, but I might reconsider (from defensive to offensive) if an all out war on my freedom was declared by the same type thugs seen in the photos coming out of Boston.

To be quite honest, I’d be quite pleased if the mulatto in the WH declared Martial Law. Incrementalism is wearing on me. I “believe” it’s time for things “on the front” to get cranked up into overdrive.

This I do know. I wouldn’t be staying inside my home during a curfew, for whatever that’s worth. I don’t like being told what I can and can’t do by someone who plans to take my freedom away.