Federal 10 Day Wait Period Submitted Firearms, Ammo, Silencers and Magazines

Aesop weighs in here….

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
4 years ago

A 7 day waiting period? Who is to say when that waiting period happened. Just sell or transfer the weapon and claim it happened before this treasonous bill ever passed. And if you’ve waited this long to buy weapons and ammo you probably deserve to be defenseless. Super Fly gave us a heads up in 2009. As for Sheila Jackson Lee (the great great grandchild of Robert E. Lee?) isn’t this the woman who thought the flag was on Mars? Sorry, I don’t take orders from ignoramuses. The 2A is forever.

4 years ago

Too late. Already got enough weapons and ammo for ten years. Started collecting back during the 2008 election. Way ahead of the game. Are you listening, Brennan?

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

These swamp bills are like Miracle-Gro for EVERY BLADE OF GRASS.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
4 years ago

dotgov does not have to confiscate, the people will bury all their stock, or have a boating accident. In essence willingly disarm themselves. look at how much infrastructure this regime has put in place since the coronation, it has not been a full thirty days and already the country is unrecognizable, imagine four years from today. The country is occupied and the main topic of discussion “will they still give me a stimulus check?” -- take the pieces of silver and get on the fema fun camp bus. Gun owners get an Ultra re-education Mk style.

4 years ago

All the Bans/Registration/Waiting periods etc. Don’t do Anything about the estimated 400 Million+ Guns out there Now. (((they))) could Ban the Manufacture and Sale of new Guns, and “at this point, what does it matter”.(Cackle, Cackle)
IMO, there’s No Way to address this issue without ‘Triggering’ (pun intended) the Ultimate, Unintended Consequences, (un)Civil War. Once the Gun Raids begin in any Numbers, and the first ‘Swat Team’ gets Baconated, being a .gov thugpig won’t be a good Career Choice anymore…