The statement below shows the distribution as of 12/31/2012 on top and then future contributions starting 1/1/2013 going 100% to government securities underneath.
From Silver Doctors:
I just heard from a friend of mine that who worked for the Social Security Administration for a few years that his entire 401k has been moved from where he allocated it into US treasury bonds.
He just received his annual statement that shows all of his funds have been moved, without his permission or even notice!
So the simple questions are:
1. Why did it take a year to notice this change in allocation?
2. Where is the 2013 statement?
David DeGerolamo
I’m calling BS on this one
In the last year, I believe money market laws have been changed. These changes have forced money into short term U.S. Treasuries, thus helping the government maintain low interest policy. These types of policies will continue to be implemented because the only money left are in the retirement accounts of U.S. citizens. If you want to see where this is going look to Argentina for clues.