Ever since the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization for two new vaccines, employers, schools, and other organizations are grappling with whether to require Covid-19 vaccination.
While organizations are certainly free to encourage their employees, students, and other members to be vaccinated, federal law provides that, at least until the vaccine is licensed, individuals must have the option to accept or decline to be vaccinated.
Knowing what an organization can or cannot do with respect to Covid-19 vaccines can help them keep their employees, students, and members safe and also save the them from costly and time-consuming litigation.
Much remains unknown about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine
Even though the FDA granted emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in December 2020, the clinical trials the FDA will rely upon to ultimately decide whether to license these vaccines are still underway and are designed to last for approximately two years to collect adequate data to establish if these vaccines are safe and effective enough for the FDA to license.
I have been telling people this all along. My employer has been adamant that the state, which issues our license to work IS GOING to make the jab mandatory to keep or renew a license. I told him they can’t until it is a licensed vaccine, not experimental junk, but that fell on deaf ears. Even the Hep-B vaccine which is recommended but not mandatory, you just sign a waiver if you don’t want it. I actually took the Hep-B seies.
The link to read more doesn’t work?
Sorry.. Fixed
Link is still bad as of 1015eastern, betting the article was pulled
So far the Constitution hasn’t stopped anything. So it’s been made irrelevant and Americans allowed to happen. Where is the military? How about that oath they took to the Constitution and enemies foreign and DOMESTIC!!