Feds Asking Gay Men to Post Selfies From the Gym to Promote Obamacare

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The Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with an advocacy organization that is asking gay men to send selfies from the gym to promote Obamacare.

The agency announced Tuesday it was joining with several lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender groups to encourage the LGBT community to enroll.

“As part of LGBT Week of Action from Dec. 7 – 11, Out2Enroll and other organizations will hold enrollment activities and provide in-person assistance across the country,” the department said. “Additionally, partners will leverage social media campaigns to ask their members and affiliates to sign up for an affordable health plan for 2016 through the Health Insurance Marketplace.”

One social media campaign started by the agency’s main partner, “Out2Enroll,” is #HealthySelfie.


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Tom Angle
9 years ago

Isn’t obama bisexual? I figured it was mainly for his viewing pleasure.

9 years ago

So, if I get this right, the ACA (aka: o’shitbag care) website has become the United States Government’s official PORN SITE?

I’m sure perverts the world over will just love this. Now they can legitimately surf the ACA at work and take a “wank-break”, skipping their coffee n donuts (the donuts without holes, I hope! -- no crullers, either).

I remain evermore disgusted!